

New Member
Jan 10, 2009
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my tank has had fish in it for 3weeks. any help would be great
whenever ide think but you might want to get some pellets or put cucmber in until theres some alge
but im not sure so ide see wot other people that no more say
A few things to consider... I dont mean it to sound like a lecture though ok... so bear with me :)

First things first - What is the size of the tank it'll be living in?

What are the results of your water tests?
If you've got 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and your nitrates are rising, your tank is cycled and your ok to add more fish - stock the tank slowly though to give the bacteria time to build up with the new fish.

If your getting a plec ensure its a species that wont get too big - Bristle nose would be a great plec to start with - Avoid common plecs though as they will get big quickly.

Plecs add quite a bio load to a tank so only add the plec for a while and keep an eye on the levels - if your ammonia goes up - watch it carefully and start water changes, it means your tank bacteria wasnt ready for teh added load :(

Ensure you are feeding your plec - DONT follow the mind set that they are there to tidy up and clean the tank - its not true.
They need their own diet - and the diet required will vary depending on the plec you get :)

Have a look at your local store - get some pics of what they have if you can and come back to see what people recommend :)
Too many shops will sell you a common at the drop of a hat :(
i agree with the pleco guy bn are great for beginers tbh i dont think you shoul put to many in start withone of two depending on the tank size

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