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    At Last, A Hobby I Can Share With My Cat!

    Know one else is allowed to look at our tank :hyper: :rolleyes:
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    Time-laps Footage

    :good: Wow thats awsome i wondered how you made vids like that? an the way all that substrate moved was just amazing :good:
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    New Malawi Tank - What To Stick In At Start?

    Have to agree the ammonia way is proberly the best way to go, why go an waste your money on some fish that you might not even want, ie just buying them to cycle, and even when you think you tank has cycled every time you put new fish in your tank it will go through another mini cycle. As to...
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    Wot Should I Do? Pls Help

    Spot on!!
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    Where To Buy My Fish?

    I rang maidenhead at east brigford an they don't sell the particular fish i'm looking for, an the one their opening is gonna be at whisby garden centre, not sure when it will be open tho, lets just hope that there bringing in new staff when they open it, or at least give them proper training...
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    Finaly Cycled?

    ok thanx for replies :good:
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    Where To Buy My Fish?

    cheers for the replys i shall give Trimar a look, and was planning on going to pinxton soon, any more for any more???
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    Where To Buy My Fish?

    :good: Hi i have just finished cycling my tank an wondered if anyone could recommend some very good an reliable online fish sales. As the fish shops round me don't seem to have good selection of fish at min! Or if any one can reccomend lfs round near lincolnshire that be a great help!! :good:
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    Finaly Cycled?

    Need a few ideas on stocking for my tank! My tank is now cycled!! it's 4ft approx 227 ltr? Any ideas would help a great deal looking at malawi! :good:
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    A Little Advice Please

    thank you for helping me out on this one, i would have been lost with out this help!! Well just to update you, my ammonia is now dropping to zero in the morning after adding it the evening before, my nitrite is just reached its spike an is starting to drop, and nitrate is now falling too, should...
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    !@#%! Stubborn Fishkeepers

    oh my god why?? thats awful!!!
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    A Little Advice Please

    anyone?? :rolleyes:
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    !@#%! Stubborn Fishkeepers

    can i see the link please can't belive someone could be that stupid to put all those fish in such a small tank? :o
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    Wot Should I Do? Pls Help

    try to get extra piece of wood which is alot thicker than the origanal shelf an either replace it or place the thicker piece underneath attached to both sides of the bookshelf, (nails Screws) but prob best to do this while tank not on the shelf!!!! Failing that i'd put the tank on the floor, at...
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    Juwel Trigon 190

    I have a trigon 350 an i've had no probs with the filters but i have added a external filter, i didn't cut the origanal lid i made one from perspec an cut the holes in that, i use to have another juwel tank an had no probs with that either, IMO get one that suits your budget and your fish...
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    How Long Have You Been Learning About Fish.

    Since i can remember fish have always been near? from when i was little me dad always tryeed to get us in to fishing, me i never found it much fun i liked looking at them but not catching them! Had a goldfish when i was young, an few years later after moving in with my now Husband we started out...
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    A Little Advice Please

    Just worked out where my ammonia reading came from, when i cleaned everything i forgot one thing! The heater holder! :rolleyes: I noticed it had some algae on it. This shouldn't spread should it, i haven't had lights on since setting up? Added filter media an now getting my nitrate + nitrite +...
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    A Little Advice Please

    ??? :huh:
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    The Firm I Work For On The News

    oh my god wat idiots? an wats with beating each other with planks of wood!!
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    What Size Heater?

    Proberly be ok, prob an idea to have a spare just incase tho?
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    First Casualty

    Resist!! IMO If one's suffered then why buy more to suffer an proberly die?!? :unsure:
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    A Little Advice Please

    Thanks Majjie for you replys, i tested my water last night an some how i have a reading of 0.50 of ammonia, 0.25 nitrite, nitrate 20, not sure how that happened as 4 days earlier i had a reading of 0 everything, please could someone enlighten me a little as i have added nothing to the water so i...
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    What Is The Average Price Of

    gotta agree with you their there rubbish never got on with them at all!!! IMO liquid test kits are more accurate, an soooo much easier to read :hyper:
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    A Little Advice Please

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    What Fish Eat Snails?

    Orange finned loaches are good for this too, mine eat any they can find!! but on if tank big enough???
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    A Little Advice Please

    So say i put in my used filter material then added say half the ammonia that I'd calculated, leave, then test for ammonia an nitrite going down, an also test for nitrate make sure its being produced? how long should this process take roughly??? :unsure:
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    A Little Advice Please

    Wats biospira? just thought could use some filter material out of my other tank thats been established for a long time, that should be OK???? Thanks for your replys everyone, keep em coming!!!!!
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    A Little Advice Please

    Is there other methods? this is my first time doing a fishless cycle? plus my ammonia test only reads 4ppm then jumps to 8ppm there nothing in between? maybe an idea to get one that'l read better????
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    A Little Advice Please

    :blush: Bit embarrassed to ask this! How do i cycle my tank using ammonia??? I have kept fish for many years an after much debate an arguments i had to strip my 4ft tank due to algae taking over, so i was left with empty tank! After much more debate i came to the decision i would start up a...
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    Sand Cleaning

    that was wat i mean't just forgot to put that bit lol :lol:
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    Sand Cleaning

    i tend to use my sand cleaner after i've got out what i can with siphoning, it doe's make a great deal of a difference i think. as for as for under gravel filters they would not work with sand, imo
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    Hospital Tank Treated With Melafix

    I have a airstone in when i'm treating in my isolation tank, better to be safe than sorry!?! ;)
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    Sand Cleaning

    HI i got this great thing from pets at home (don't buy any fish from there tho!!!) its an air driven thing it only cost couple of quid but its great, its got a bag on side of tube for sand to go thru but crap to stay in some sand doe's get stuck in the bag but a little shake an it comes through...
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    R They Fighting?

    :D many thanks for your replys, sorry for putting it in wrong section! they seemed to have settled down today, as ox5477 said about moving tank decorations, think i must have caused them to start as i was cleaning under some rocks, which i moved to other side of tank while doing this. but...
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    R They Fighting?

    :/ Hi all i have 2 jewel cichlids in my 350l which have been in same tank for at least the last 4 to 5 months, tonight while i was doing water change i noticed they were behaving very odly? They seened to be mirroring each others moves then they'd get in to wat i'd call a lip lock this lasted...
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    Are They Fighting?

    :/ Hi all i have 2 jewel cichlids in my 350l which have been in same tank for at least the last 4 to 5 months, tonight while i was doing water change i noticed they were behaving very odly? They seened to be mirroring each others moves then they'd get in to wat i'd call a lip lock this lasted...
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    My New Addition

    Well after some very careful thought i finally decided to buy this, i'd been researching for weeks an weeks an my lfs got in a couple of these, went an looked once an then on second visit decided to buy it, i think it has a loverly colour to it!
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    Can I Use Methylene Blue

    i have just noticed that my kids 4 guppies have got finrot, also looks like fungas too, white bits hanging offf fins. the only thig i have to reach is Methylene Blue an protozin(think thats wat it called).I am not gonna be able to get too lfs till at least friday could i use Methylene Blue for a...
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    Do You Prefer Fewer Large Fish In A Tank Or More Small Ones?

    Think i'd have to go with you on that one a combo of both as long as their compatable lol