New Malawi Tank - What To Stick In At Start?


New Member
Dec 15, 2006
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wondering if y'all can help. I have my nice mew malawi tank set up, but I want to give it a good cycle so was wondering what fish people would reccomend cycling it with. The ph is at 8 and there's lots of lovely rocks and stuff.

Was thinking maybe a couple of mollies or something.

Also, I'm wondering what the best type of catfish to go with malawi's would be that I could put in now?

ta muchly.
hmmm i recently setup a new tank! never having done a mbuna tank i asked the same question! and i was told to cycle it chemically ( fishless ) using household ammonia or " good bacteria " from your pet shop im sure some one can expand on that
i've used both mature filter media and safestart in mine for an ultra bacteria boost :)

Incidently, went to the fish shop and had a chat, and they reckoned may as well stick a few less agressive cichlids in and build up slowly. So I got me some :) mwhahahaha.
There are products out there with bacteria to help jump start the tank. You could also just go get some ammonia, pour a little in the tank till you have maybe 5ppm, trying to remember the scale for ammonia testers. Then wait for the ammonia to drop to zero. Seems cheaper and shorter then waiting for small fish to allow bacteria to grow.
Have to agree the ammonia way is proberly the best way to go, why go an waste your money on some fish that you might not even want, ie just buying them to cycle, and even when you think you tank has cycled every time you put new fish in your tank it will go through another mini cycle.
As to cycling with ammonia it mature's your filters more, more benifical bacteria growing! (Please correct me if i'm wrong :blush: but this is wat i was told when i was cycling my tank)

Hope this helps a little!!

Fishless cycling the way to go!! :good:

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