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    Tednol has entered.

    why hello there! hey bradder!
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    advice for designing my new tank

    OMG, woops, i ment ottos. i was in a rush lol
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    pH level

    cant i just add some aquasafe?
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    pH level

    bout 6-7/
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    pH level

    :( my pH level is high at about 8.0, if i added a drop of tetra aquasafe will that neutralise the water>/?thnx
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    are u sick of the sand or gravel question

    doesnt anoy me, even i wanted to look at some posts on it before i decided. but i did a search. perhaps any moderators could make a pinned topic including some of the advice given in some of them. i therefore choose not to vote
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    advice for designing my new tank

    i have a 24inch tank (15g) i'm having 2 oscars, gouramis and 2 coriess; i have got a piece of bogwood that is a sort of cave and loads of plants. (7) :lol: do you think i should put a rock in it? it hasnt really got any shape just a big square. do you think i should put that in> i also have...
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    Help with Oscars!!!

    yeh definetly get it out, the oscar(s) could loose an eye. its the most common injury when a fish is sucking another one.
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    Fish won't eat

    check your temperature. the higher it is the more the fish eat. the lower it is the lesss fish eat.
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    water levels

    i havent got an ammonia test kit. my tank is overstocked i know. 24 fish includinf 4 dwarf gouramis in a 24inch/15g tank but soon it'll be 19 fish becasue my second tank 24inch/15g will be ready by then! yay.
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    water levels

    well this first tank weren't cycled, i set it up about 3 years ago and did what the guy told me to do, put your gravel and your ornaments in. leave it for a week and then put your fish in,
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    water levels

    [COLOR=orange][FONT=Impact]Hey i just did a water change in my 1st tank and i got: NO3 = 250 NO2 = 10 GH = 16d KH = 6d pH = 7.6 is anything in there too high, and if there is then what and how do i change it. i just did a water change... my 2nd tank (which is a week old) NO3 = 0 NO2 =...
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    ok then i'll hvae a think about it
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    hey evryone ;) (i dont know what i'd do without this forum) so i have got a 15g tank (24inch). a few plants a kinda big rock and a piece of driftwod. so, i have 3 ottos and 2 peppered corys. :rolleyes: how many pairs of dwarf gouramis do you recomend i have? (because i like them so i'm...
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    which fish is better for my tank

    so if i have 3 ottos, 2 peppered corys then how many pairs of dwarf gouramis would you recomend.
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    best algae eater for my tank

    ok thn. do they eat bottom feader as i have tonnes of it for my two corys that are in their. and if their veggies then will they eat cucumber. the banjo catfish does. lol
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    best algae eater for my tank

    -_- as fish are now ready to be put into the tank. will the ottos be alrite becasue there isnt any algae or plants yet, i ahve got to order them. or sould i wait, if so how long?c
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    best algae eater for my tank

    hey everyone. I have got a new tank ready for fish (24inch/15gallon). i am going to have quite a few plants in it and a piece of wood and rock. and i am going to need a good fish to keep the algae at bay and i need to know how many of a certain species i should have. i had suggestions...
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    which fish is better for my tank

    hey everyone. I have got a new tank ready for fish (24inch/15gallon). :cool: i am going to have quite a few plants in it and a piece of wood and rock. and i am going to need a good fish to keep the algae at bay and i need to know how many of a certain species i should have. :thumbs: i...
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    Bleach dip for java moss?

    and if that dosent work then chuck out the par of the moss with the algae and keep the clean part and grow it again. i dont know if that will work. i havent even got any plants,. come nxt nxt wednesday,.
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    Tank Picture

    looks great. but i'd hate to see what the gravel will be like after a year or towo or sooner, and if u get a gravel cleaner then it'll av to a small 1 or u will pull up all your hard work :o look out for snails! :fun: looks great though
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    rite ok. i use them there very good. basically its the stems, so if you get 5 java ferns, you get 5 stems with bout 1 or two leaves. if you rinse them out TWICE then you wont get snails. pay attention to the light many watts is your light and how big is ure tank? ots is cheap and...
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    new sponge in filter

    and keep it tied for 2 weeks so the bacteria build up>?
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    new sponge in filter

    hey peeps :D hows evry1 ;) my sponge in my filter broke. ive got another one but how do i put it in. Do i just replace it or should i tie it to the filter with an elastic band?
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    heater problems

    ok thnx. i'll end up putting an eletric wire around the tank to keep my brother away. :shifty:
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    heater problems

    hey peeps. my brother turned the nozzle on my heater (eco-therm that is what it says on i) has anybody got 1 similar because i dont know which direction it is too make the water warmer. its on 20C/72F and i need it on 24C/75F. Does anybody know???
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    Gourami choices

    i have 2 pairs of neon gouramis,. males are always shy. one of the males shoots water like the archer fish. they shoot water to catch insects, amazinly they can kil an insect about a foot away from them. cool. i'm yet to see it do it... i can hear it.
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    wot did the paragraph say? i'm not bothered. i dont get easily offended! lol,. i do type strangely. i am english and very literate for a boy aged 15 studying for GCSE. But it is just that i type fast and make mistakes. plus i was talkin on msn so i was fast :rolleyes: :blink...
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    test kits

    wot test kits do you recomend????smple question
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    ok thnx. anymore sites?? :P
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    well wen i first started out i did wot the man told me. he a bit more experienced than ure ordinary trainee that theyve got workin there. yeh so i did wot he sed and my fish were fine :cool:
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    :cool: hey peeps :D i just set up a 24 inch tank today, i'm waiting a week for the water to be ok before i put the fish in. B) Anyways, i have an empty tank...and i have no idea what to put in it, i might put sum drftwood in, any suggestions? it'll be full of gouramis, i dunno wot they llike...
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    how do i cycle a new tank

    hey, i'm setting up a second tank, bout 15-17 gallon tank. How do i cycle it??? and is it ok too cycle it with gouramis?
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    my albino catfish and cory!

    i built a cave or sort of 1 but there not interested! my gourami is hoverign around it. and my albino catfish is back behind the filter
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    my albino catfish and cory!

    by algae eater is old and is a bit terriroorial, but i built it a little hole underneath my log. i did a water change yesterday but not gravel. ill try and build him a cave or summit
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    my albino catfish and cory!

    i had a pH tester and i that ran out yesterday. i ent got a nitrate u think it is the nitrate levels>?
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    my albino catfish and cory!

    how do i find out?????
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    my albino catfish and cory!

    i bought them yesterday and put them in and they were fine. It was only wen i fed them this morning that my albino was behind the filter looking dead. So peruming that he was dead i got a net and moved the filter away and it moved and rested on a leaf on a plant. i went out came back and...
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    how many fish?

    1 Albino catfish.there llittle pink things