Gourami choices


Apr 19, 2004
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Leicester, England

We have a nice shiny new 120 litre tank with plants and hiding places and currently 4 platys and 4 platy fry. (all cycled ammonia 0.1 nitrite 0 nitrate 50)

I fell in love with a dwarf and a red dwarf gourami and 'accidentally' bought them for the new tank :D

They have only been in there a day but both are very shy and tend to hide behind the plants and rocks which is a shame because they are so pretty.

Do any of you guys know :
a) if more gouramis would make them feel mor confident and maybe come out a bit more?

and B) What other gouramis do you suggest to go in a tank with smaller fish if any?

I have seen honey, pearl and opaline gouramis in the same shop and they are all gorgeous but to be honest I know almost nothing about behaviour, temprament or adult size. All help appreciated!!!!

Thank you :)
what sex are ur fish.

when i have kept dwarf neons in the past, they do tend to be rather shy little fish if u have a male on his jack jones a couple of females may help. Its helped my fish i kept them years ago. They seem to be very nervous fish but sometimes they just need to adjust to the new tank.

im also myself gonna get me some Dwarfs again after many years away from them and hope to breed them.

good luck with ur new fish i :wub: the little beggers
My brother has probably had 5 or 6 gouramis. from my experience with them, they seem to have very wide range of personalities. His newest gourami was extremely shy for the first week or so. he is still shy but feeding him blood worms maked him much more sociable because now he doesn't want to miss anything. Now he'll even come to the front of the tank if he sees us and thinks that we're going to feed him.
Both the gouramis are male as they didnt have any females left, maybe some girls to show off to will bring them out of their shells a bit:)

Any suggestions for other gouramis to keep with them?
Keep the trafic low around the tank. They just need time to ajust, a few females woudnt hurt either. You probably could keep about any other small Gourami, Honey, for example with them but wait for them to ajust to the new tank.

Gourami Lover88 said:
Keep the trafic low around the tank. They just need time to ajust, a few females woudnt hurt either. You probably could keep about any other small Gourami, Honey, for example with them but wait for them to ajust to the new tank.

thats the best you can do!!! (wait a week to buy fish unless its a female) :D
OK i'll go and find some sexy ladies for them next week once the tank has adjusted to the new fish and they have adjusted to the tank:)
I would recommend Pearl Gouramis. They are beautiful and the most mild mannered of all gouramis. I have a pair in a 29 gallon and they are not shy at all now. They both come to greet me when I come in the room to feed them. They are with White Cloud Mountain Minnows Platys, Otos and Corys. The male will sometimes chase the female just to let her know who is in charge but as soon as he turns away from her she follows him and I swear it looks like she is mocking him. Neither the male or female have ever shown any aggression towards the other fish. They are so majestic. They are my favorite fish. :D
i have 2 pairs of neon gouramis,. males are always shy. one of the males shoots water like the archer fish. they shoot water to catch insects, amazinly they can kil an insect about a foot away from them. cool. i'm yet to see it do it... i can hear it.
Wow I'll have to look out for that braders :D

I went to the shop today and they have honeys, pearls, opaline and kissing gourami. I think I read that the kissers get pretty big so I will avoid them, other than that i'll go and pick out some pretty ones next week....if I can wait till then..... :p

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