

New Member
May 24, 2004
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:cool: hey peeps :D

i just set up a 24 inch tank today, i'm waiting a week for the water to be ok before i put the fish in.
Anyways, i have an empty tank...and i have no idea what to put in it, i might put sum drftwood in, any suggestions? it'll be full of gouramis, i dunno wot they llike their surroundings to be like. :( :/

Does anybody now and shops online where i can order from? :thumbs:

:p cus i ordered plants off a company in singapore and they are brill. www.java-plants.com (cheap advertising. if u orer them wednesday then they'll be there on wednesday the following week) :p
i just set up a 24 inch tank today, i'm waiting a week for the water to be ok before i put the fish in.

if you want any of these fish to live, then i suggest you go to the begginers section. u need to do alot more than wait for a week :/ let me guess, was that the local fish shops suggestion?

most local fish shops stock orniments, and driftwood and also live plants... try there maybe?
:book: Please get the water conditions right first, get the water tested by LFS or buy kit and do it yourself.

As for ornament its personal taste but you can
although I havn't used them yet they seem to be really cheap.
check out their reptile caves they look good I have the medium one in my Rio.
nightlife20 said:
i just set up a 24 inch tank today, i'm waiting a week for the water to be ok before i put the fish in.

if you want any of these fish to live, then i suggest you go to the begginers section. u need to do alot more than wait for a week :/ let me guess, was that the local fish shops suggestion?

most local fish shops stock orniments, and driftwood and also live plants... try there maybe?
well wen i first started out i did wot the man told me. he a bit more experienced than ure ordinary trainee that theyve got workin there. yeh so i did wot he sed and my fish were fine :cool:
dannio2004 said:
:book: Please get the water conditions right first, get the water tested by LFS or buy kit and do it yourself.

As for ornament its personal taste but you can
although I havn't used them yet they seem to be really cheap.
check out their reptile caves they look good I have the medium one in my Rio.
ok thnx. anymore sites?? :p
well wen i first started out i did wot the man told me. he a bit more experienced than ure ordinary trainee that theyve got workin there. yeh so i did wot he sed and my fish were fine 

As far as sites to buy ornaments from, there are quite a few out there. Do a Google Search for "Fish Ornaments" or "Tank Decorations" and you'll find quite a few. Of course, there is also E-Bay - get some second hand stuff at relatively cheap prices. I've not bought anything online, so I can't recommend anything. I believe in supporting my LFS. :)

Good Luck!!
I would stick with all natural decorations (bogwood, rocks, petrified wood).

IMHO the "kiddie" decorations don't look goo in a tank, and you will grow tired of them after awhile. :)

BTW I can read your post just fine. ;)
Becca....bit harsh that!...come on ;)

I must admit i hate it when all words are written like text messages but his wasn't that bad.

Not everyone has brilliant grammar skills. i thought that was a bit nasty to be honest.
gixer said:
Not everyone has brilliant grammar skills. i thought that was a bit nasty to be honest.
I agree.

People should keep in mind that this is an international forum and not everyone has perfect English. :/
I removed the paragraph in my post above. I apologize to anyone who took offense to it. It wasn't my intention (which is why I started it off with "Please don't take this personally...") After re-reading it, it did seem rather inappropriate, so I deleted it and offer my apologies, again, to anyone who did take offense to what I wrote. :)

Becca said:
I removed the paragraph in my post above. I apologize to anyone who took offense to it. It wasn't my intention (which is why I started it off with "Please don't take this personally...") After re-reading it, it did seem rather inappropriate, so I deleted it and offer my apologies, again, to anyone who did take offense to what I wrote. :)

wot did the paragraph say? i'm not bothered. i dont get easily offended! lol,. i do type strangely. i am english and very literate for a boy aged 15 studying for GCSE. But it is just that i type fast and make mistakes. plus i was talkin on msn so i was fast paced....lol. :rolleyes:
:blink: sory to bring this back up from the past/

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