pH level


New Member
May 24, 2004
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:( my pH level is high at about 8.0, if i added a drop of tetra aquasafe will that neutralise the water>/?thnx
What PH do you normally keep your tank at? You can use PH Down from the LFS to lower the PH. To keep it low, you can use peat in your filtration system. HTH.
Sassygrrl said:
What PH do you normally keep your tank at? You can use PH Down from the LFS to lower the PH. To keep it low, you can use peat in your filtration system. HTH.
bout 6-7/
Is this something that just happened over night, or has it been slowly creeping up?

If slowly, then I would guess that you use water that hasn't had the PH reduced when performing water changes right? If so, use some peat in your filter. It will help keep the PH down. Also, make sure to pre-treat replacement water with a ph down product from your LFS. Let me know how everything turns out!

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