water levels


New Member
May 24, 2004
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i just did a water change in my 1st tank and i got:
NO3 = 250
NO2 = 10
GH = 16d
KH = 6d
pH = 7.6

is anything in there too high, and if there is then what and how do i change it. i just did a water change...

my 2nd tank (which is a week old)
NO3 = 0
NO2 = 0
GH = 6d
KH = 10d
pH = 7.6

is anything in there too high, and if there is then what and how do i change it. i dont really want to do a water change becasue i want the water to mature,

I'd be worried about having NitrIte (no2) present in your first tank, that should always be 0 in a properly stocked, cycled tank. Also, depending on what your NitrAte levels are in your tap water, I'd be very concerned about having 250! That is not good. 40 and under is considered safe but it does depend on your tap water.

The reason there's no NO2/NO3 will be because it has not got enough through the cycle. You need an amonia (nh3/nh+4) test kit.
well this first tank weren't cycled, i set it up about 3 years ago and did what the guy told me to do, put your gravel and your ornaments in. leave it for a week and then put your fish in,
braders said:
well this first tank weren't cycled, i set it up about 3 years ago and did what the guy told me to do, put your gravel and your ornaments in. leave it for a week and then put your fish in,
Yeah, it will be cycled now though. Wether you meant to do it or not. I have never knowingly cycled a tank.

I am afraid to tell you that the only way to get rid of nitrAtes is to do waterchanges. There's no bacteria that converts it to a lesser like with amonia and nitrIte.

You have not mentioned stocking, how are your tanks stocked? Have you tested amonia?
i havent got an ammonia test kit. my tank is overstocked i know. 24 fish includinf 4 dwarf gouramis in a 24inch/15g tank but soon it'll be 19 fish becasue my second tank 24inch/15g will be ready by then! yay.
If you want some immediate nitrate/nitrite/ammonia relief, you can safely use Amquel+. I use it on my tanks if I have a booboo tank.

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