Search results

  1. zakkp8

    Weird Water Bugs

    No they were there before the Rams I think they came from the drift wood I put in there. I'm just wondering if they will hurt the Rams or eventually (when the rams breed), the eggs.
  2. zakkp8

    Weird Water Bugs

    Well today I bought a really nice pair of blue rams. But there has been some kind of water bug, they are as small as the pupil of the ram's eye, are yellowish, and are free swiming. The guppies I had before just swollowed them and spit them back up. They don't seem to bother the fish, but any...
  3. zakkp8

    Another Compatibilty Question...

    No! I had a male ram with two females and one of the females killed him, becauce he pairde up with the other female.
  4. zakkp8

    Vids And Pics Of My New Discus

    What? I don't have 4. I have 2 and am getting more, just have to save some money again. Very nice fish, sounds cool.
  5. zakkp8

    Vids And Pics Of My New Discus

    Nice Dicus :good: I got one today. How big are your?
  6. zakkp8

    Betta Channoide

    They aren't turqoise, they are redish brown. Where did you get them? How much wher they?
  7. zakkp8

    New Discus

    Thanks I'll check it out.
  8. zakkp8

    Sexing Discus

    Females are usually larger from information I've gathered. Along with this source.
  9. zakkp8

    Sexing Discus

    "Here are the differences in male and female mature discus that can be used with some degree of success. 1)Male discus often have an elongated and pointed dorsal fin. If the discus has a elongated, pointed fin, it is almost always a male. Depending on the strain, many males do not have an...
  10. zakkp8

    New Discus

    You don't know my experance leval so don't ack like you do, I have been keeping fish for 8 year and many types, I feed my fish many times a day and I do 2 gallon water changes a day with my ROI unit. Do talk down to me because I'm "just some kid with fish". Don't reply telling me I'm not doing...
  11. zakkp8


    Well all the eggs were eaten saturday. But today the same male ram bred with my other female, lol. Playa fish!
  12. zakkp8

    New Discus

    Yes, I'm moving some of the smaller fish to my ten gallon. The discus are still small, by the time they get big the gouramies will probibally be dead, and I hate to say that. The male flame, I think is getting dropsey, so he will probibally die soon. He also has a tumer near his eye sadly.
  13. zakkp8

    My Bettas(video)

    Bettas can be kept together. I used to have a pair of bettas, they lived together since I bought them, untill the male died. The female is dead now too. they grew old together and bred nearly everyday, usually eating what ever eggs they produced. They had 2 sucessful spawn. And they never fought.
  14. zakkp8

    New Discus

    I got one discus, I'll be adding more to the tank I was talking about before. Is he going to be fine alone, with my community for a week? I'm adding 4 more over the next few weeks. He is white with blackish fins, and an orange spot on the cinter of his body what kind is he? Heb was only $26.64...
  15. zakkp8

    Gourami Pictures For An Id Thread?

    Hehe, your welcome. I have a pic of my flame gourami but it is very blury, so if you want it I'll post it, it is really bad though.
  16. zakkp8

    Bolivian Ram Anatomy

    I think yours are going to breed within the next day or so, because yesterday I noticed mine had the same thing then the male had one, the females is round and the males is more like an upside down cone?!? Is that what your looks like? And mine bred yesterday just after I noticed that. Does your...
  17. zakkp8

    Gourami Pictures For An Id Thread?

    Here is an alright pic of my Spotted Climbing Perch and Honey morph.
  18. zakkp8

    Pics Of My 55 Gallon. Updated!

    Sorry, I misunderstood. I know I've been meaning to get a backgroung, but I'm saving for some discus, which I have to spend $75 on in order to pick them up at a facility, or spend the $40 on shipping for a place that is only an hour and a half away. So after that I'll get a background for the...
  19. zakkp8

    My Dog And Puppy!

    Thanks, she can get pretty hot in the summer, espically since the weather has been humid, hot or hot and rainy. Gizmy has some long hair now too! But he never, ever gets hot, lol.
  20. zakkp8


    Thanks! I have them in a comunity 55gallon tank. And the Rams bred in the sharks territory, but it looks like he moved back into his old territory at the top corner of the tank. No I don't have a spare tank, hopefully it wont become a problem, all I have left is my community 10 gallon to put...
  21. zakkp8


    Well the have finally bred! I have about 50 eggs now, they are still breeding the male is attacking my columbian shark though, the rams layed the egges in the sharks territory. I'm worried I'll find the shark dead soon :-( I'm so excited for them though I called my dad and aunt just now. I'm...
  22. zakkp8

    My Dog And Puppy!

    Star, my little princess, lol. She is a 9 year old Australian Shepard And my other dog who was a puppy then, Gizmo. He's a long haired Chouaua, lol. I cant spell well.
  23. zakkp8

    Non Schooling Gourami?

    All of them. -_-
  24. zakkp8

    Looking To Build A Tank.

    I may or may not depending on my dads idea, I would move my female bettas into the 55 gallon comunity I have now and move my community fish to this larger one. I really want to try. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  25. zakkp8


    He minds his own buisness and the only time he leaves his territory is when all the fish gather to swim, or at feeding time.
  26. zakkp8

    Looking To Build A Tank.

    About how many gallons would this hold? Length: 7' Height: 3' Width: 1'
  27. zakkp8

    Pics Of My 55 Gallon. Updated!

    The rams are gold, and the puffer is fine with the others. I've had him for about a month and he likes the freshwater as far as I can tell.
  28. zakkp8

    Pics Of My 55 Gallon. Updated!

    There both the same tank. The Fresh verson has no background, the white is just shades for the window.
  29. zakkp8

    In Need Of Pics.

  30. zakkp8

    Pics Of My 55 Gallon. Updated!

    First is my community 55US gallon. It's my Fresh/lightly salted tank. It has 3 Angels, 1 Spotted Climbing Perch, 3 different Gouramies, 3 Rams, 1 Figure 8 Puffer, 1 Common pleco, 1 Dojo Loach, & 1 Columbian Shark! What it used to be is my dad's old Salt water tank, the new one is my...
  31. zakkp8

    Angel Fish Growth

    The one I got a year ago is 5" not including his fins which are 2" and tha is length
  32. zakkp8


    55US gal. 3 Angels, 1 Spotted Climbing Perch, 1 Figure 8 Puffer, 3 random gouramies, 1 pleco, columbian shark, and a dojo loach(I know its not the best combination of fish, but they all get along and sometimes all 14 swim in a school!
  33. zakkp8


    Thanks, I do there in my comunity tank which is the only thing I'm worried about. They are the smallest fish in there so aggression shouldn't be a problem right?
  34. zakkp8


    I think my Gold Rams may be breeding, but I'm not sure. I have three total, 1 male and 2 females(the other male died). One of the females is cleaning off all of the tilted/slanted rocks, and the male is "dancing" for her, when ever he gets near her his colores get bright and he flairs like a...
  35. zakkp8


    It is 55 galons and I'll probibly get the younger ones, because I want to enjoy them longer and watch them grow. I know it will be alot of work, I'm also really setting up the tank, it is cycled and has some plants and wood/rocks but I want alot of plants. So thats another thing I'm working for.
  36. zakkp8


    I'm ordering some through my lfs, and I'm thinking of getting these types... Baby Blue Panda Nebula Siam Yellow Master Blue/green snakeskin Ruby Red & Ocean Green are they nice colors? Is that a good stock? How much will they cost? The guy there said nowhere near $70, for any single fish. So...
  37. zakkp8

    How Often Do You Visit Your Local Fish Shop?

    Once or twice a week, lol. I'm constantly updating tanks with decor, plants, or fish.
  38. zakkp8

    Good Set Up?

    Thanks, for understanding. I mean the Angels have to have food, and good quality food cost a lot of money, which as a 14 year old I don't get a lot of! So by feeding the guppies to them I don't have to feed them so much.
  39. zakkp8

    Good Set Up?

    I really hate to say this but I would use the fry as feeders for my Angels and Discus. :blush: