

Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
Largo, FL
I think my Gold Rams may be breeding, but I'm not sure. I have three total, 1 male and 2 females(the other male died). One of the females is cleaning off all of the tilted/slanted rocks, and the male is "dancing" for her, when ever he gets near her his colores get bright and he flairs like a betta. He will alsi rub against her, and when ever the other female get even with in a foot of the other female the male chases her away, emeaditly going to the other female. Are they getting ready to breed?
It sounds like it. Be sure to have lots of hiding places for both females incase neither are ready to breed.
It sounds like it. Be sure to have lots of hiding places for both females incase neither are ready to breed.
Thanks, I do there in my comunity tank which is the only thing I'm worried about. They are the smallest fish in there so aggression shouldn't be a problem right?
What's in the tank along with the 3 rams, and what size is your tank.
55US gal. 3 Angels, 1 Spotted Climbing Perch, 1 Figure 8 Puffer, 3 random gouramies, 1 pleco, columbian shark, and a dojo loach(I know its not the best combination of fish, but they all get along and sometimes all 14 swim in a school!
Well it is a bit of a different stock, but if it works, thats the main thing. Just keep in mind that the columbian shark and Figure 8 puffer are brackish; if raised in fresh will do ok in freshwater. Well if you have lots of rock work and hiding places the shark might not interfer with the Rams breeding.
Well it is a bit of a different stock, but if it works, thats the main thing. Just keep in mind that the columbian shark and Figure 8 puffer are brackish; if raised in fresh will do ok in freshwater. Well if you have lots of rock work and hiding places the shark might not interfer with the Rams breeding.
He minds his own buisness and the only time he leaves his territory is when all the fish gather to swim, or at feeding time.
I'd move the pleco, 4 batches of eggs have been eated by my Pleco, so he's outta the tank.

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