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  1. G

    Missed Adding Ammonia Today During My Fishless Cycle?

    Hi I'm in stage 2 of my fishless cycling, adding 3ppm of ammonia every 24 hours, which is being reduced to 0 in about 14 hours ish, waiting for my nitrite munching bacteria to grow. I forgot to add my daily dose of ammonia this morning, i'm now sat at work wondering if I have wasted the last 2...
  2. G

    Cycle Update

    that might explain why its slowed down a lot then, since i started the cycle, my ph has dropped from 6.8 to 6, i read somewhere that my driftwood and the tannins that it releases are the likely cause of that, can't remember where though :P at least the water change will bring my ph back up to...
  3. G

    Cycle Update

    As if to spite me (after saying that my ammonia was being reduced to 0 after 12 hours), here are test results for the last 24 hours... 8pm wednesday night - added 5ppm ammonia 7am yesterday...did ammonia test, was at 0, added 5ppm ammonia (communication breakdown :P) 8pm last night - ammonia...
  4. G

    Cycle Update

    In that case, my nitrite will be through the roof, my other half added 5ppm this morning lol, in addition to the 5ppm i did last night, when she thought i hadn't done it (well, technically, she asked if i had done, i wasn't paying attention and said "no") :hyper: Massive water change it is...
  5. G

    Cycle Update

    First of all a quick thank you to MW and other experienced fish keeping dudes on this forum, for putting up with an endless barrage of fishless cycling questions, you must have the patience of a saint :D Anyway, to business, quick update on my cycle... I'm adding enough ammonia to raise the...
  6. G

    Stocking Ideas...

    Hi As my tank is getting to the end of if its cycle (as far as I understand anyway :P) I'm starting to think of stocking options for it. My tank is 24" high, 24" wide and 20 deep, so I would need fish that are bottom and midwater dwellers rather than loads of catfish as bottom space is...
  7. G

    180l Tank, Wondered If These Fish Are Ok Once Cycled

    Like the poster above said, you probably would be slightly overstocked, but with good water quality, frequent water changes etc I should think most of those fish will be fine. Danios are pretty much bulletproof, mine appear to be invincible and i'm sure they would survive happily living in a...
  8. G

    Adding Ammonia...

    I would agree with Waterdrop, don't rely on the ammonia calculator too much, I did and it took a loooooooooong time to get my cycle started, the calculator said to put 7.5ml in for a 155l tank (homebase ammonia, like yours :P), it was waaaaaaaay too much and i ended up with 8ppm instead of 4-5...
  9. G

    Looking To Get A Bigger Tank

    If possible, I would go with 200 (or mebbe even 300l+), to save you having to do this again in a couple of years when the fish get to too big lol RE: fishless cycling, yeah thats kinda how it works, although in theory the process should be much faster if you borrow some spongy stuff from a...
  10. G

    Looking To Get A Bigger Tank

    Most tanks (even 2nd hand ones i've seen) come as a full package with the heater and filter and stuff. For my upgrade, I just crammed some of the old sponges into the new filter that same with the tank, then gave the tank a week or so for the bacteria to catch up to support the larger tank, by...
  11. G

    Looking To Get A Bigger Tank

    not much point using the same water, ideally you would be looking to transfer as much bacteria from your old tank into the new one, so what would help the most is transfering the filter sponges (or whatever media it uses) and some of the substrate. I've done a similiar upgrade recently, from a...
  12. G

    Psycho Rtbs...

    96l atm, though they will be in a 160l in a few weeks when it has finished cycling :)
  13. G

    Psycho Rtbs...

    So, today I picked up some fish to go in the semi aggressive tank I'm starting. I went to the LFS a couple of weeks ago, what caught my eye was this gorgeous little RTBS, and 6 serpae tetras in a tank with a large RTBS and 2 convict cichlids, in which the tetras were bullying the hell out of...
  14. G

    Nutrafin Aquaplus

    Lol, thought so :D
  15. G

    Nutrafin Aquaplus

    Hi I have an 155l tank and use Nutrafin Aqua plus to get rid of all the rubbish in the tapwater, on the bottle it sides "add 2 capfuls per 70l" does it mean per 70l of water changed or per 70l of water in the tank? So assuming I change 35l of water I add one cap of it to the tank water, or 4...
  16. G

    Cycle Update

    ph is 6.8 atm. Did a 35% water change last night (didn't have time for much more...) Will check the ammonia levels tonight, hopefully this will get things started, fingers crossed! My fry are still alive too, survived for 5 days in a tank with ammonia 4ppm+, if they survive for another week...
  17. G

    Cycle Update

    Quick update, done tests for ammonia, nitrate, nitrate etc every day this week, my ammonia is hanging at 4ppm, the only time it reduced was on Monday morning when I did a water change to reduce it from 8ppm, nitrate and nitrite both at 0. I do have the layer of slimy film stuff over my wood...
  18. G

    Cycle Update

    Me either, I'll obviously be happy if they survive but don't really expect them to :( Any ideas whether the slimy film attached to my wood is normal? I've heard of it before when fishless cycling (as part of the bacteria colonising) but never expected it to be quite so thick :o
  19. G

    Cycle Update

    Right, I did a water test at the crack of dawn this morning (damn my daughter!), ammonia seems to be just about 4-5ish, the water turns slightly darker than the 4ppm but not dark enough for 8ppm. One interesting development overnight, is that the lighter parts of my driftwood have a thick...
  20. G

    Cycle Update

    Aye aye cap'n! *gets buckets, hose and API science kit out* watch this space :P
  21. G

    Cycle Update

    So, a quick update, done the swapping about of filter media etc and put some ammonia in my new tank, i'd guess i have about 140l of actual water (aftr gravel, wood etc), so the ammonia calculater i used said to use about 7ml to maintain about 5ppm...trouble ammonia test shows it to be...
  22. G

    Leeds / West Yorks People!

    Thanks man :D Gonna go have a look tomorrow, or send the other half round, am I right in thinking the only ingredients should be water and ammonia?
  23. G

    Leeds / West Yorks People!

    Thanks for the replies folks... Just spoke to someone at Homebase who apparently knew what they were talking about, as opposed to the phone monkey i spoke to before, they do 500ml bottles for £1.99, woo! :D
  24. G

    Leeds / West Yorks People!

    I know there are quite a few people from up't north on this forum and I'm struggling to get hold of my ammonia around the Wakefield area, any ideas where to get some from around Leeds city centre (I dont drive so stuck with buses!)? I've tried B&Q, Homebase, Boots and my local garden centre...
  25. G

    Cycle Update

    lol! yeah i meant it's under the tank, if it was in the tank it would probably make a very good raft / submarine for my hamster... :P thanks for the advise, i'll go with option 2 :)
  26. G

    Cycle Update

    Hi Last weekend I upgraded my 60l to one of the spinky Osaka tanks, which is now sitting in my living room, making me live in fear of it falling through the floor into the garage (to the kids: "WILL YOU NOT JUMP ON THE BLOODY FLOOR, YOU'LL END UP DOWNSTAIRS!!"). I moved my 60L into the hallway...
  27. G

    Change Of Dechlorinator(sp?)

    Thanks for replies PS sorry if the following reply is a bit disjointed, I'm at work at the minute, typing this up when I get a bit of downtime! My usual water conditioner is Nutrafin Aquaplus but I bought some Waterlife Haloex, as far as I'm aware I followed the correct dosage, although the...
  28. G

    Change Of Dechlorinator(sp?)

    Hi I've recently changed to a different brand of water conditioner after being caught out and running out of my usual stuff, I bought a new one, being assured by the LFS dude it was "good stuff" and since I introduced it as part of a water change, some of my fish have started behaving really...
  29. G

    Panda Cory Trouble?

    Quick update....thanks for the replies! Did a couple of water tests over the last 2 days ammonia and nitrite both at 0, nitrate at about 30ppm No more deaths since the weekend, the smallest fish (the one that I was worried about) seems to have recovered and is now swimming about fine with no...
  30. G

    Panda Cory Trouble?

    Using liquid tests at the minute, need to pop to the LFS in my dinner break to get some more though lol :P Yeah I know, its all part of my masterplan so my other half will let me get a bigger tank, if all goes well, they will be in a 200L within a month or two...hopefully :P To stop anymore...
  31. G

    Panda Cory Trouble?

    water stats...more to follow when i get some more tests from the LFS :P 60l tank current inhabitants 4 zebra danios, 4 panda cories, 1 rtbs (less than 2" long) temp: 24c ph: 6.7(ish) nitrite: 0 nitrite and ammonia tests to follow, water quality seems good, the RTBS has gone from a washed out...
  32. G

    Panda Cory Trouble?

    Hi, has anyone had any experience keeping Panda Corys? They're awesome little fish but I'm having trouble keeping them alive to be honest, I've had a small shoal of them in a newish tank (5 months old, fully cycled) for the last couple of weeks, with some Zebra Danios and a RTBS as tankmates...
  33. G

    Fish Stores Near Huddersfield, West Yorkshire

    Oooh other people from near Leedsish :P I'm from Wakey, not many good fish stores round here, the only one nearby is alright, has a decent selection but the care given to fish isn't brilliant (eg 12inch+ plec in a 120l tank :() I'll have to try Tingley Tropicals, its literally down the road...
  34. G

    Fish Tank In The Garage?

    Nice one, I'm planning on getting a decent tank so hopefully it will have nice thick glass to withstand a Yorkshire winter!
  35. G

    Fish Tank In The Garage?

    Hi Just wanted to ask a semi-hypothetical question, to see if anyone has tried something similiar before I do it! Basically I live in a 3 floor town house with the living room etc on the 2nd floor, I want to upgrade my tank to 300l+ so I can safely keep a few clown loaches without having to...
  36. G

    Have I Ruined My Mature Filter?

    Fitting a second sponge won't hurt, when I get a new internal filter I generally squeeze as much old media into it from the filter that it is replacing as possible. I have had a couple of the smaller Fluval models and its easy enough to do with the cartridge design they use.
  37. G

    As Promised Redtail & Tigershovel Nose Catfish Pics,

    Maybe off topic and definately in bad taste...but...your wife is hot! :P Seriously though, nice fish, I bet they have a hell of a filter system!
  38. G

    <scratches Head...>

    Welcome to the great disappearing fish mystery! I had quite a few fish totally disappear without trace in the first tank I bought, several cories and neons vanished, I cleared the tank out, sifted through the gravel, no sign whatsoever, I could only assume that they had died and been eaten by...
  39. G

    So I Just Went To My Lfs Window Shopping...

    I have a set of API test strips left from when I cycled it, but will be investing in a Masterkit when I get permission (!) from the other half to get the new tank :)
  40. G

    So I Just Went To My Lfs Window Shopping...

    I only have half a dozen zebra danios at the minute (sold my guppies and glowlights to the LFS when i moved house a few months ago) which judging by the speed of them wouldn't be troubled or annoyed by the barbs and RTBS i want to get. Thanks for the filter advice. What I'll do then, is keep my...