Leeds / West Yorks People!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 29, 2008
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I know there are quite a few people from up't north on this forum and I'm struggling to get hold of my ammonia around the Wakefield area, any ideas where to get some from around Leeds city centre (I dont drive so stuck with buses!)?

I've tried B&Q, Homebase, Boots and my local garden centre, all of which were pretty useless!

The winning/most successful answer will receive lots of E-Goodwill! :D
Hey there Gruffle :) , I can't help you with the ammonia location but this is a good opportunity to point out that putting your location info in your profile will help in the future (you can look at some others to see the format people choose (usually more or less city, country).. just helps with these location based questions as people know the context before they even read the post.

i have a full unused bottle if you want it? I don't know how much you need but if you dont need the whole bottle just bring a container and i will give you as much as you want.
Thanks for the replies folks...

Just spoke to someone at Homebase who apparently knew what they were talking about, as opposed to the phone monkey i spoke to before, they do 500ml bottles for £1.99, woo!

Thanks for the replies folks...

Just spoke to someone at Homebase who apparently knew what they were talking about, as opposed to the phone monkey i spoke to before, they do 500ml bottles for £1.99, woo!


Fantastic news. Make sure its 100% ammonia won't you. If its a clear bottle give it a shake, if the foam and bubbles stay for more than a second then it isnt 100%

Good luck with your cycling.
Thanks man :D

Gonna go have a look tomorrow, or send the other half round, am I right in thinking the only ingredients should be water and ammonia?
I know you have a source, but mine is a 500ml bottle of Boots own brand household ammonia, 9.5% and cost 99p, from the main store in the city centre :good: This was like 9-10 months ago since the last visuit for it though...


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