So I Just Went To My Lfs Window Shopping...


Fish Fanatic
Jun 29, 2008
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I'm looking to upgrade my lickle 60L tank to something a bit bigger, so I went to my LFS near Leeds to have a look, they have a tank measuring 48x12x18, for about 80 quid with hood and light, is this good value and am I right in thinking that this is about 50Gal / 200L?

This raises quite a few questions for me (I'm awfully paranoid about doing anything new with my fishes :p), assuming I bought it, I'd obviously need a bigger filter, at the minute I have a Fluval 2+, would I be better off with an external filter, a larger internal filter, another smaller filter etc, and if I put my existing filter media into it presumably I would have a mini-cycle until my filter bacteria catch up with the fish' waste production?

With regards to stocking I would really really really really like some Dojo Loaches, they had some in with the goldfish in the coldwater section, presumably I can't just plop them into a tropical tank and would require acclimatising, how would I go about this?

I'd like to stock my tank with toughish fish, maybe 10 tiger barbs, a RTBS, some cories etc and would like some recommendations for other fish that would be suitable tankmates!

Sounds like a good deal :)

Providing all you wanted to do to start with was transfer the fish you currently have into the new tank, then the current fluval 2+ would be fine, its not the amount of water your filtering but the fish waste load that the bacteria is coping with. Therefore if you got a new filter, I recommend an external canister just for ease of maintenance and space inside the tank, you could then run this for a minimum of 4 weeks alongside the fluval 2+ in order to cycle it, before removing the fluval (alternatively leave the fluval in - over filtering is always better than underfiltering).

Then all you would need to do is stock slowly with any new fish you would like to keep.

Dont know about dojo loaches, but if they are coldwater fish, then you cannot add them to a tropical set up, but someone who knows about them would be more helpful to you here.

Another option is to do a complete fishless cycle on a new tank/filter and then transfer your current stock and stock with the new fish you want immediatley.

What fish do you currently have, we need to know before we can say whether the fish you have listed would be suitable tankmates :)
I only have half a dozen zebra danios at the minute (sold my guppies and glowlights to the LFS when i moved house a few months ago) which judging by the speed of them wouldn't be troubled or annoyed by the barbs and RTBS i want to get.

Thanks for the filter advice. What I'll do then, is keep my 2+ filter and run it alongside an external filter to cycle it, although presumably I will need to introduce a gradually higher bioload to cycle it properly?
If all you have is the danios, then yes you would need to stock slowly - perhaps 2/3 fish every 2 weeks or so, just to let the bacteria catch up. Do you have a good test kit? If not, might be an idea so you can test regularly as you stock to keep an eye on the levels, it will give you a good idea of how well your filter(s) are coping.

Yep no probs with the barbs and RTBS with the danios - who by the way will love all the new swimming space they will have :good:
I have a set of API test strips left from when I cycled it, but will be investing in a Masterkit when I get permission (!) from the other half to get the new tank :)
Always a good investment :good:

Well if you get it, post up some pics and let us know the progress - we all love a good nose at other's tanks :D

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