<scratches Head...>


Fish Crazy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL USA
So...went to work this morning and one of my harlequin rasboras was...gone. I took out the ornaments, sifted through the sand on the bottom...peeked into the filter. Nowhere to be found...and its only a 10 gallon. Wierd...I'm stumped. Only thing I can think of is hes buried in the sand and I just can't find him.

Tank has...had...6 harlequin rasboras and 3 corys, so doubt he was eaten over the weekend. :blink:
Have you checked around the outside of the tank, maybe he jumped.
Hi, a little fish like a H R could be eaten pretty much in hours let alone a weekend.

I would suggest that it died and was consumed and would do a water check and keep a close eye on the rest
Certainly could have been eaten if he died. I've had bigger fish that that die while I'm at work, and when I get home there's not enough left to identify, so I have to sort out what's missing.
I once noticed that one of my Neons had died, I was in a hury so didnt had time to mess around with the tank getting it out. When i got back my Flash (L204) had all but finished eating it. I was out for about an hour at most within another half hour it was fully consumed.
Yeah i have had a couple of fish go walkies, normally i notice after i have turned the lights on in the morning. They always seem so happy when i watch them.
Welcome to the great disappearing fish mystery!

I had quite a few fish totally disappear without trace in the first tank I bought, several cories and neons vanished, I cleared the tank out, sifted through the gravel, no sign whatsoever, I could only assume that they had died and been eaten by their tankmakes.

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