Psycho Rtbs...


Fish Fanatic
Jun 29, 2008
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So, today I picked up some fish to go in the semi aggressive tank I'm starting. I went to the LFS a couple of weeks ago, what caught my eye was this gorgeous little RTBS, and 6 serpae tetras in a tank with a large RTBS and 2 convict cichlids, in which the tetras were bullying the hell out of everything else in the tank.

I thought they were the fish for me, so I paid for the tetras and the tiny RTBS, expecting to stick them in the tank and find the RTBS hiding in a cave all the time away from the little orange terrors.

How wrong I was.

I can barely see the tetras, everytime they come out of the plants they get mercilessly harrassed by the shark till they go back into safety. It seems he thinks the entire tank is his territory!

I really don't wanna take him back but I don't want him to stress the tetras to death, so I guess I could get some more aggressive fish to try and keep him in line.

Any recommendations? My initial thought was tiger barbs but thought I'd get some other options as well :)
96l atm, though they will be in a 160l in a few weeks when it has finished cycling :)
make sure there is A LOT of like caves/plants.. rtbs's are territorial and will be aggressive to fish in their territory.

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