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  1. NonstickRon

    Albino Cory Cat

    I've been feeding my Cory's "New Life Spectrum Thera A" pellets. Supposedly its a nutritionally balanced holistic fish cory's absolutely love it. The Thera formula is high in garlic to boost the immune system. It was $10 at one of my LFS. A bit hard to find but easy to locate on the...
  2. NonstickRon

    Biorb Tank

    Just go for a second tank. Biorbs are attractive desk tanks, you've got it set up nicely and stable(?) already so why mess with it. Just find a good spot for it and start planning your next one. :)
  3. NonstickRon

    Sand Getting In Filter Problems...

    What I'm concernerd about with this idea is cutting off the intake flow. Has anyone ever tried anything like this? Oh yeah, its a Penguin 100 HOB w/biowheel
  4. NonstickRon

    Sand Getting In Filter Problems...

    The intake is at about mid level. The corys like to take mouthfuls of sand to the top of the tank and sprinkle it everywhere. Rubber bands are made from a sap from the rubber tree aren't they? I know they rubber band aquarium plants together. /me shrug
  5. NonstickRon

    Sand Getting In Filter Problems...

    Solutions? My cory's keep stirring up the sand. The filter goes through spurts of being extremely loud as it chews on the sand...can't be good for it. I was thinking of wrapping some filter floss around the intake and rubber banding it on. Will that restrict water flow too much?
  6. NonstickRon

    Albino Cory Cat

    What is "OK"? What is the temperature? Do you have more than one? What size is the tank and what else is in there?
  7. NonstickRon

    Best Fishkeeping Mag In The U.s.?

    Thanks folks.
  8. NonstickRon

    Best Fishkeeping Mag In The U.s.?

    Yeah, but for how much a year? My wife doesn't care for how much I spend on my its probably not realistic for me. Thanks for the tip on that other one. Anybody have any experience with Aquarium Fish International?
  9. NonstickRon

    Sand For Substrate

    Play sand is meant for babies. I highly doubt there is anything harmful in it. I have one tank with play sand and one with a $30 (after shipping) bag of black flourite sand. I like them both. The playsand is finer and seems to get sucked up into the filter easier, but the flourite has a bad...
  10. NonstickRon

    Best Fishkeeping Mag In The U.s.?

    I know the UK has Practical Fishkeeping. Is there an equivalent for us folks in the states?
  11. NonstickRon

    Harlequin Rasboras, Frantic!

    Mine are pretty energetic as well, they complement the flame tetra which seem to be just as spunky, very nicely. They school together most of the time.
  12. NonstickRon

    Feeding Fish In A Planted Tank.

    I guess I'm mostly worried about the water leaching out the nutrients from the flakes before they notice they're being fed.
  13. NonstickRon

    Feeding Fish In A Planted Tank.

    I just added some Hornwort to the top of my tank, letting it float around free at the moment. I foresee issues when trying to feed the fish. Suggestions?
  14. NonstickRon

    Serpae Acting Wierd

    Got some hornwort on my lunch break, gonna give it a go and see what happens. Edit: Didn't look very good all bunched up to one side or the other so I took off the lead band holding the bunch together and now its jsut floating sorta. I think the Serpae like it, they were just chasing each...
  15. NonstickRon

    Serpae Acting Wierd

    Thanks watertrop, I think I'd rather keep the corys and ditch the Serpae though. A tank without corys is no tank at all in my opinion. :D I bought the Serpae as my hardy cycle fish. Thats done now so maybe its time I moved them out.
  16. NonstickRon

    Serpae Acting Wierd

    So my work tank (6.75 gal bowfront) is fully cycled now (yay!) and it has 3 albino corys and 4 serpae tetra. The serpae pick on the corys a little bit, the smallest one especially is missing about 1/3rd of his dorsal fin at this point. I've two adults and one juvinile. I'm already over...
  17. NonstickRon

    Api Mater Test Kit - Lost Nitrite Card!

    I actually had to return the first kit I bought because it was missing the nitrate card when I opened it. hehe The cool part about that website, is you can just hold the test tube up to the screen, it'lll even offer a nice backlight for the tube. :)
  18. NonstickRon


    A lot of the Eclipse systems have biowheel filters in the hoods. I'd be worried it would get clogged and burnt out though, and would end up needing to replace the whole thing. No thanks.
  19. NonstickRon

    Api Mater Test Kit - Lost Nitrite Card!

    I work in the print industry. I just want to point out that even if someone scanned in their card and emailed it to you so you could print it...most likely it would not be accurate. Those cards are most likely printed with specific PMS (pantone matching system) colors, and not 4 color process...
  20. NonstickRon

    Need Help With Tank Cycling & Ick Treatment

    I don't know anything about Amquel+ but I used Seachem Prime every day, sometimes 2 times a day to be safe, and my tank cycled just fine. Too bad you didn't just treat the ich before adding the Bio Spira. Would have been better off saving the biospira till after the ick had been eradicated...
  21. NonstickRon


    Just on the lip as far as I could tell. I was having a hard time seeing the fish cause it was moving pretty fast whenever I tried to get a look at it, and the water was pretty murky from me messing with the filter and siphoning the gravel. One of the things the wikipedia page for ich says is...
  22. NonstickRon

    What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

    I don't know what any of that stuff is but I wish It were at my house. It looks like it would be fun to figure out. You won't be adding fish anytime soon, thats for sure, hehe. My advice is to take some paper and start makign some diagrams concerning what goes to what. By figureing out which...
  23. NonstickRon


    Reading that just slowly adjusting the tank heater to be over 86 degrees can kill ich off. Anyone have success with that? I know the goldfish is supposed to be a coldwater fish...will temps that high hurt the goldfish?
  24. NonstickRon


    Ok, the work tank today is reading zero ammonia and zero nitrite finally. The tank at home is getting very close to that. :-
  25. NonstickRon


    No, it was definitely not natural. Its definitely the "grain of salt" stuck to the fish kinda thing.
  26. NonstickRon


    I was going to but I think his tap water already has a little bit of salinity to it. Hes got this elaborate water purification/conditioning unit in his garage cause they use well water and florida well water is some nasty stuff. He doesn't believe me but I can taste the salt in it. lol That...
  27. NonstickRon


    I did 2 10% water changes, 3 hours apart tonight. It took the PH from 8.4 to 8.0 - its still pretty hard to read the nitrate but it looks slightly darker red than the 40ppm...although higher than 40 looks like it fades to pink before going purple at 180... Pretty hard to read those higher...
  28. NonstickRon

    Classroom Tank...dwarf Gouramis

    I forget, do you have fish in already?
  29. NonstickRon

    Tail And Fin Rot Spreading

    Ok, if the levels in your source water are high, then just doing tons of water changes aren't going to help. You neeeeed to detoxify the water with something like Prime before you add it to the tank.
  30. NonstickRon


    So how bout clove oil, and THEN the freezer/icewater? Thats probably the route I'd go. I don't think I could violently execute an animal.
  31. NonstickRon

    Tail And Fin Rot Spreading

    Have you tested the levels of the water you're putting into the tank?
  32. NonstickRon

    New And I Did It All Wrong...
  33. NonstickRon

    Seachem's Purigen? Hot Stuff Or Hype?

    Just use Prime. Detoxifies without removing it. Bacteria can still eat it.
  34. NonstickRon

    New And I Did It All Wrong...

    The chemical isn't actually "removing" the ammonia. Its detoxifying it. Your test kit will still show postive readings. When you have fish in, and you use a detoxifying agent, you're pretty much stuck using it till your cycle is established because at no point will you know what portion of...
  35. NonstickRon

    New And I Did It All Wrong...

    Ah...all that purple made my eyes wiggle. There are in tank filters that could work. And canisters but those are expensive...although canisters seem to be able to take care of a lot of problems that come up in fish tanks because of the ability to customize filter medias, that other types can't...
  36. NonstickRon

    What Should I Get?

    If you have cory's in a tank that doesn't have sand as substrate, you don't know what you're missing. ;)
  37. NonstickRon

    Things You Can And Can't Feed Your Fish

    Whenever I try that I get hundreds of tadpoles.
  38. NonstickRon

    New And I Did It All Wrong...

    [/list][/color][/size][/font]'re saying you don't have a filter at this time? You absolutely NEED a filter. I don't know about ammo-lock but I've been using Prime by Seachem. You can't really overdose on it and it detoxifies more than just the ammonia. It detoxifies ammonia...