Classroom Tank...dwarf Gouramis

don't get any cories yet, you need to get the tank cycled before adding any more fish.

i appreciate time is tight but every day that goes by that you're not doing water changes and monitoring the water puts the gourami's a bit more into danger, there's only so long you can put this off for before it'll kill the fish. :(
Yes, I agree with MW >> the things you need to do to ensure the health of the current fish need to come first -- they're not that hard to do and once you understand these immediate needs of the "fish-in" cycle, you'll be able to move forward with other things.
Congratulations on your school tank by the way. Kids learn loads from them. I have the tank in my sig. set up at the school where I teach. 33 US gals so not much more than yours. Would love to see some pictures.

OK, no corries yet! Instead I'll shop for the APE Fresh Water Master Test Kit and keep doing my daily water changes.

I want to read Easy to Grow Plants next & Common Newbie Mistakes before the weekend..

Jonesey, your tank is beautiful! When i get everything 'right', I'll read how to take photos and post. I post photos on the Garden Web forum, so don't think posting here should be much different.

Another thought......we have an outdoor pool that of course has a filter. Would adding a piece of that filter to the aquarium be of any benefit? Too much to read and no more time today. I want to spend a few minutes looking online for a Test Kit. Closest pet store to me is 45mi. WalMart is about 35 mi and I'll be going there on Sunday afternoon. Perhaps they have the kit. Thx again everyone, you're so patient and helpful!

Granniek :)
If the pond has been running for a while with healthy fish in it, the filter could well be the best source you have to get your tank's cycle going.
OH MY GOSH, and I teach grammar! Terrible communication on my part......sorry! It IS indeed a goldfish pool that we've had for years. Just a few goldfish in it, too many frogs (how do I get rid of them???), water lillies, papyrus, water poppy,etc.

If I can use the filter media from this pond, do I remove all of it? If I remember correctly it's inside a slatted box about 12" square. We just put in a new pump & filter this past March.
yeah if it's a goldfish pond then transferring over some media is a good idea. :good:

Just open up the box, there will probably be some sponges in there, just cut a piece off and put it in the filter of the classroom tank. You can safely remove about a third of the media from the pond filter but judging on the usual size of pond filters you won't need anything like that much. :good:
OK, yesterday I added part of the filter from my home pond to the aquarium. Waited until today, stopped by and checked all the readings. Nitrate, Nitrite tested out safe, the test showed the water as 'hard' and ph at 8.4. Do I need to decrease that ph. This high reading surprised me. On Friday when I did a water change I added rain water that I had bottled at home. Of course it was only three gallons of watre. Do I keep up the water changes adding rain water? Will that take care of both the hardness and the ph? Can you tell I'm really out of my 'element' here? I should have waited to do this until a later time or better yet, suggested they do the aquarium in the Science Lab.
OK, yesterday I added part of the filter from my home pond to the aquarium. Waited until today, stopped by and checked all the readings. Nitrate, Nitrite tested out safe, the test showed the water as 'hard' and ph at 8.4. Do I need to decrease that ph. This high reading surprised me. On Friday when I did a water change I added rain water that I had bottled at home. Of course it was only three gallons of watre. Do I keep up the water changes adding rain water? Will that take care of both the hardness and the ph? Can you tell I'm really out of my 'element' here? I should have waited to do this until a later time or better yet, suggested they do the aquarium in the Science Lab.

I forget, do you have fish in already?
Yes I have two dwarf gourami, one gold gourami and about eight male guppies. I also have baby guppies, so there must also be a female guppy in the tank. I'll have to take a small net and get the babes out of there tomorrow.
just a quick note on test readings, when you give us the results can you give us them in ppm or mg/l (they're the same, just some test kits give readings in one or the other) rather than saying 'safe' or something like that. What's safe for one fish is not always safe for another and it's much more accurate for us to know what you are dealing with if we get actual numbers.

the pH is the least important of all the levels, most fish will happily adapt to a pH a bit higher or lower than their 'ideal' conditions, the danger only really comes in with pH when it's fluctuating, so long as it's holding reasonably stable it shouldn't cause a massive issue.

None of the fish you have are particularly sensitive to a high pH, in fact the guppies are probably loving it! It would be better to lower it a little bit, if you can just work it slowly down to around 7.6 ish then that would be good.

Have you tested for ammonia since adding the mature media from the pond?

The difficulty comes in deciding weather to try to adjust the pH or not at this point. Your priority now is to keep ammonia and nitrite as low as possible, preferably 0 but no higher than 0.25ppm. Ordinarily I would say don't worry over the pH, just focus on ammonia and nitrite for now and worry about the pH when the tank has stabilised and completed it's cycle. However a high pH actually makes ammonia more toxic to the fish, so if you are getting any readings for ammonia you should be trying to get your pH down.

Have you tested the pH of the tap water and rain water that you are using for water changes? If not can you test them and let us know what it is?

There's a link in my sig about pH as well which would be worth a read for you if you've got the time! :good:
Plus, for right now, the cycling will be going faster, as 8.0-8.4 should be ideal for faster bacteria growth in the filter... :)

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