Sand For Substrate


I'm setting up a new tank and can't decide whether to go for gravel or not, does it get kicked up a lot? The fish in the tank with be Discus, various Tetras and Corys.
first, it would be best not to hijack threads, but are you asking if gravel will be kicked up? gravel is heavier than sand and won't be kicked up. sand is lighter and does get kicked up, and can get sucked into the filter if not carefully planned out. but sand looks a lot better.
first, it would be best not to hijack threads, but are you asking if gravel will be kicked up? gravel is heavier than sand and won't be kicked up. sand is lighter and does get kicked up, and can get sucked into the filter if not carefully planned out. but sand looks a lot better.

Sorry Dave for hijacking the thread, I was talking about sand in my post not gravel.

Ill go and do my thread now. :)
Hi, I have an angel tank with sterbais and want to change the substrate to sand, will tesco's playsand be appropriate?




i have only ever used sand from an LFS and pay about £18 for 25 KG.

i know it works out mor expensive but if you have good filter and keep your tank clean and "churf" the sand up now and then you shouldnt really need to change the sand unless you have problems and its suggested to you.
Hi, I have an angel tank with sterbais and want to change the substrate to sand, will tesco's playsand be appropriate?



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i have only ever used sand from an LFS and pay about £18 for 25 KG.

i know it works out mor expensive but if you have good filter and keep your tank clean and "churf" the sand up now and then you shouldnt really need to change the sand unless you have problems and its suggested to you.

I keep marines so normally pay that or more for sand, trouble is its loaded with aragonite/calcium which will harden the water, not suitable for angels.
Play sand is meant for babies. I highly doubt there is anything harmful in it. I have one tank with play sand and one with a $30 (after shipping) bag of black flourite sand. I like them both. The playsand is finer and seems to get sucked up into the filter easier, but the flourite has a bad habit of making the water murky for awhile when you stir it up. Flourite is made from mineral rich clay, and is meant for planted tanks. Don't drop your magnetic algae scraper on it, cuase you won't be able to get the flourite sand all off of it. I actually managed to scratch the glass on the inside of my tank because of that. Ditched the magnetic scraper and bought a handled scrubby.

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