Best Fishkeeping Mag In The U.s.?

Most will give general advice, which is kind of a waste imo, but I get Tropical Fish Hobbiest because I like to read the species profiles that they do. There are many others that can be found at Petsmart or places like that, so go check them out and see which one you like the best. :good:
Most will give general advice, which is kind of a waste imo, but I get Tropical Fish Hobbiest because I like to read the species profiles that they do. There are many others that can be found at Petsmart or places like that, so go check them out and see which one you like the best. :good:

I'll second TFH, even if I don't keep the fish in the articles, they're a good ready anyways. Besides, you can never know too much about fish. :good:
Pretty good, too. I just like the TFH, because it has more of a professional feel... I mean, you can read articles written by Amano there and sometimes it's a bit more scientific. It's really up to you.

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