Api Mater Test Kit - Lost Nitrite Card!


Fish Crazy
Jul 1, 2008
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Somehow the nitrite card seems to have disappeared!!! Any idea how i can get the colour chart for nitrite without having to buy another kit?
I work in the print industry. I just want to point out that even if someone scanned in their card and emailed it to you so you could print it...most likely it would not be accurate. Those cards are most likely printed with specific PMS (pantone matching system) colors, and not 4 color process printing. Even if they managed to scan it in perfectly, which is unlikely due to calibration issues and automatic color correcting software embeded in most scanning software, your average printer will not be able to accurately reproduce the exact colors on one of those cards. At best, it would be a "good enough" situation.

Your best bet would be if someone has an extra one they could send you, from buying the master kit more than once.
well, i know the ideal color is eather light blue or it maybe yellow. i lost my card too but i memorized the good colors :blush:
Somehow the nitrite card seems to have disappeared!!! Any idea how i can get the colour chart for nitrite without having to buy another kit?
If you are in the U.S., PM me your address and I'll mail you an extra one I have.

Or ... an easy way I remember the colors is that robin's egg blue it is 0, and when it looks light purple it is 0.25. In my experience, when it's darker than light purple I have a hard time distinguishing what color it is on the chart and at that point I'm having issues (when not cycling).

edit: spelling
yeah, just think it should be clear sky blue, anything other than that measn you have some nitrite

tbh any reading other than 0 is bad so it's quite simple

pure sky blue = good

anything else = bad

i lost a card before and a google image search came up with one that someone had scanned in though so you may find something like that.
Thanks for all the answers guys, i managed to find the card in the end (they got a little wet and it was stuck to the back of another one almost invisibly lol)

Thanks again...apologies for the stupid moment (not the first one of last night i assure you!)
I actually had to return the first kit I bought because it was missing the nitrate card when I opened it. hehe

The cool part about that website, is you can just hold the test tube up to the screen, it'lll even offer a nice backlight for the tube. :)

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