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  1. C

    Puffer Personality

    Yep, you could have 3 figure eights in there no problem, just be careful if you are adding them at different times, they are better all put in together so that they can establish territories at the same time, otherwise new ones can end up a bit bullied when he keeps swimming into someone elses...
  2. C

    Violet Goby (Dragon Fish) Eating Problems?

    This is a note to Koda, referring to Sleeper Gobies, beware. Most Striped/ Pacific Sleeper Gobies grow to 20" plus, they will slaughter most things in the tank to eat. They are voraciously greedy fish and the fact that they sleep a lot, hence the name, belies their true nature. This is not ALL...
  3. C

    Violet Goby (Dragon Fish) Eating Problems?

    We also feed JMC High Protein Fish Food, the fine grade stuff. You have to be careful not to over load the tank with it because it is so fine but it is too fine for most of the fish to get. This means, it ends up floating through the water for ages and the gobies take it all in as they filter...
  4. C

    Puffer Personality

    We have 2 figure eights kept together and they show no aggresion towards eachother but have great little characters. They will hand feed but you need to watch your fingers, they are brilliant to watch when feasting on snails. They swim around all the time and are always coming to the front of...
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    Florida gar

    This could well be the case as one has an arch in his back and the other has a problem with her back end floating up at the top of the water all the time ( although it is not a swim bladder problem). We knew they were both `disabled` when we bought them and that wwas part of the appeal...
  6. C

    Florida gar

    Not exactly sure on the age of our Florida Gars because they belonged to a man in London first, he had them over a year, then Richard took them, then he took them into the shop. They weren`t in the shop for long though. The fish don`t look as though they will grow any bigger, you normally get a...
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    Florida gar

    A friend of ours had a large silver arowana, 30"! It was bullied by the alligator gars which were 3ft long. I know Arowanas aren`t all aggresive i think they are misunderstood. ( shoved in small tanks where they can`t get away from other fish etc.). Didn`t mean any offence just didn`t want...
  8. C

    red tailed catfish/ tiger shovel nose

    These Hybrids, for avoidance, are generally called yellow tail or marble tail catfish. Truly beautiful for the correct owners. One of the only catfish that grows at a greater rate than an RTC!! This means that the 18 month to 2 year syndrome of people buying RTC`s and re housing them is greatly...
  9. C

    Florida gar

    We have 4 Florida Gars in a tank 8ft x 2ft x 2ft. Ours are with a Mbu puffer, and a Perruno Catfish. They are currently around 16" long and have not grown recently, giving us the impression they are nearly fully grown. We bought these fish from Richard Hardwick, the expert who writes for PFK...
  10. C

    Puffer_freak's embarrassing Puffer moment...

    yeah, the freshwater lionfish or toadfish as some people call them. They are great ones, so ugly they are cute!!
  11. C

    Puffer_freak's embarrassing Puffer moment...

    Not forgetting Gabriel and Cornelius, the Red Tail being Gabriel and the Yellow/Marble Tail being Cornelius. They are growing at an alarming rate now and will be our biggest cats, along with the Pseudodoras Niger and Girraffe cats which should reach 3ft (ish)
  12. C

    Puffer_freak's embarrassing Puffer moment...

    There again, we could give them a run for their money if you saw our signature!!!! We do have lots of oddballs, with our own Lineatus, 2 figure eights, 2 dragon puffers, a HUGE catfish who lives with hamish and the Florida Gars. All the dragon gobies and the polpterus, then the butterfly fish...
  13. C

    Puffer_freak's embarrassing Puffer moment...

    You`re not wierd! You are a fish lover, that makes you not wierd at all. The red carpet thing would be good but Lady and Sir Minion would be king and queen all the time. It would be like Tom Cruise walking along side a load of stars from B movies!! Clare
  14. C

    Puffer_freak's embarrassing Puffer moment...

    Yep, that was Hamish alright! I think he`s becoming nearly as popualr as Lady and Sir Minions Martha Fahaka now!!! Then again, he is adorable, not to mention HUGE!!!!
  15. C

    Puffer_freak's embarrassing Puffer moment...

    thanks for your comment on Mildred, she is one scary fish when she does that! Thanks also for sharing your puffer moment, embarrasing or not, these things happen. We bought our 2ft mbu fully grown, then went to put him in his new tank, feeling great we got him home, then realised just how big he...
  16. C

    Puffer myth dispelled

    As you probably already know, we keep two Palembangensis puffers, each in a 240 litre tank. They can see eachother and are often showing aggression towards eachother, although we feel this stimulates them. It is apparent that these two will not tolerate any other tank mates. The point of this...
  17. C

    Puffer food?

    Yes these prawns will be fine for now. You can try to soak the glaze off for them which will make them enjoy it more. Try cockles, mussels and squid, most puffers go crazy for things like that. Also, a general favourite is snails, either from the fish tanks, or most local stores are over run...
  18. C

    My trip to Clare's House

    :*) Wow, thanks for that!! We are both glad you enjoyed your visit here and it was very nice to meet AppleBlossom and her boyfriend ( who were both such great people and fishkeepers). She`s right about George too, our dog who only takes to the real animal lovers and sat with her ALL night! We...
  19. C

    My trip to Clare's House

    So do you love em then? !!!!!!! Thankyou, they are all blushing at these lovely comments!
  20. C

    My trip to Clare's House

    Hmmm, Hamish is a cutie isn`t he?!!! And he knows it!!!! Poor Gomez, our Lineatus and the 2 Dragon Puffers are also stunning fish. I was really pleased that we finally got a picture of the dragon puffers because they are always hiding ( ambush predators). Thanks for all the feedback Clare
  21. C

    My trip to Clare's House

    AppleBlossom really has done a great job hasn`t she! And yes, they are even cuter in person!!!
  22. C

    tire track eel feeding

    We feed Nigel ( our Tire Track) bloodworms, which are his favourite, daphnia and chopped mussel, prawn and cockle. Obviously the food needs to be chopped very small, Nigel is only young but he always comes out for bloodworms and can be tamed to eat from you hand given time and patience. I have...
  23. C

    My trip to Clare's House

    Thankyou for your comments. AppleBlossom has really made a great job of posting the pictures. Mav has his tongue hanging out on the picture which isn`t unusual for him! Gomez won`t forget the `Grumpiest Lineatus` comment in a while! Clare
  24. C

    My trip to Clare's House

    Thankyou to AppleBlossom for posting these pictures for us. We spend so much time and money on feeding and looking after these guys that we have no money to buy a digital camera of our own, nor the time to work out how to use one!!! So thankyou to her and her boyfriend for coming to visit us...
  25. C

    My new shovelnose

    Your shovelnose is lovely and i am really glad he will be getting some tank mates of his own kind. We plan to get 4 when we sort the tanks out so let me know how you get on with them. Clare
  26. C

    My new shovelnose

    This is a Lemur Shovelnose? Did you know they feel much safer and happier in small groups? Then you see more of them too. Clare
  27. C

    Mystery Danger. Pleas Help!!!!

    Sorry for the confusion, this was supoosed to be on the Fahaka page!! I posted it from that link and it somehow ended up here! Clare
  28. C

    YAY!!! WHEE!!

    oh, i put a post on here, it should of gone on but for some reason it went on the mystery killer one instead!!
  29. C

    mbu puffer

    We are in the process of moving our mbu, which is over 2ft long and growing, into a bigger tank. Just to give you an idea, 3ft x 2ft x 1ft will be just the filter for this tank!!! The tank will be 1500 litres. Ours is a very social mbu and although personalities vary with these fish, they are...
  30. C

    Mystery Danger. Pleas Help!!!!

    We have a Fahaka puffer, Gomez and we have found that he has only taken to one person, me. I feed him and Karl cleans him out which means that if Karl goes to see him, or feed him, Gomez quite literally sulks!! We are lucky to live near a fishing port so we get Whelk which he adores, cockle...
  31. C

    Mission Accomplished

    I have an albino oscar, he was bought as a ` Needs TLC` from the shop. He had been brought back by a customer all bleeding and bullied so bad he had lost his orange colour. He is now mended!! His character is great although he is a typical grump! I think an oscar is a great choice for a birchir...
  32. C

    Martha's first movie

    Us Fahaka owners realise that they are the marine equivalent of a rotweiler with a postman!! Gomez is exactly yhr same but gets very embarrased when he can`t fit back through the gap he got out of. I think Martha will have spurts of growth if she`s anything like Gomez. It is difficult not to...
  33. C

    RTC on Ebay.... Not Good.

    That`s the whole idea. If shops can`t advise people properly, especially when buying big fish then i think they should lose customers and shut down. Or change their ways and sell more appropriate fish. Our local fish store stopped selling tank busters because, despite their advice, people still...
  34. C

    RTC on Ebay.... Not Good.

    If anyone out there is looking at getting a red tail, ours is 5" long and is currently in a 7ft x 2ft x 2ft tank. Within 3 months this will be upgraded to a 8 x 3 x 2, and eventually he will need a tank ( with the other cats we have) minimum of 12ft x 5ft x 4ft!!! It has just cost us an extra...
  35. C

    help with a mbu puffer

    Hi, Not sure that a couple of oscars would be the best tank mates for him!! I am glad he is looking better though! We keep ours in with Perruno Catfish and Florida Gars. The catfish stays on the bottom but the Gars make great mates for him to swim with. The main thing to watch for is that...
  36. C

    help with a mbu puffer

    To anyone out there thinking of getting any puffer, they can not take cycling of a tank. They need a tank which has been cycled for around 6 months (preferably). If it is just a 6 week cycled tank then you must do twice as many water changes for 5 months. We do 300 litres a week for our mbu in...
  37. C

    Dragon Puffers

    We ahve successfully got our 2 ( which are kept seperate) to eat cockle, mussel and whelk by using the `v` end of a planting stick by tapping the food to make it look like it is moving. Unfortunately, if we don`t feed one by a certain time she tends to puff up, she is now reliant on us and the...
  38. C

    The hardest thing I ever had to do

    I have heard that you should use clove oil, put it in a container of tank water then use it. It anesthetises it first, then the fish will pass away peacefully. Have heard of people using sharp implements through the head etc. but i doubt any of these methods can ever be considered kind. Can`t...
  39. C

    Butterfly fish

    We have 3 butterfly fish but one is seperated from the others as she was being chased a lot by them so be careful, ours are in a 300 litre tank with plenty of plant cover from long vallis but they tend to be a little aggresive towards eachother. We feed ours a mix of foods, mainly a pinch a...
  40. C

    My beautiful Mbu Puffer

    It`s a mini Hamish!! Sooooo sweet and you could make 30 of him out of Hamish. He`ll grow, no boubt about that one. Hope you have a long happy future together. Clare