Puffer_freak's embarrassing Puffer moment...


Put the trombone down, *****!
Jul 18, 2004
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In the kitchen sink...
OK, so this is really embarrassing on my behalf.

When I got my puffers, and they were bagged up, the man, quite rightly, didn't use a net (This was in Maidenhead Aquatics). So the bag was a little bit wet. He put it in a brown paper bag and then in a carrier bag. :thumbs: This was OK, until we got them home. I took them out of the carrier bag and was holding onto the paper bag :eek: :X :-( :no: . The bottom dropped out of the bag, the puffers dropped out and the bag split on the floor. I kinda yelled "NO!" :eek: nd went to save them, I put them in the remains of the bag, which had a little water in, and carried them to the tank. I put them in. :-( :/

The strangest thing is, that neither of them puffed, and both of them are still alive and well! :eek: :thumbs: :flex:

They haven'tpuffed to this day, and I love them all the more, even if the do trry to eat my fingers! :p :sly: :grr: :crazy:

Thanks for reading my really embarrassing story! :*) :blush: :blush: :blush: :*) :*)
thanks for your comment on Mildred, she is one scary fish when she does that!
Thanks also for sharing your puffer moment, embarrasing or not, these things happen.
We bought our 2ft mbu fully grown, then went to put him in his new tank, feeling great we got him home, then realised just how big he actually was, more to the point, just how heavy he was when he was sat in a bag full of water and had to be lifted up into his new tank which was on a stand 5ft off the floor!! Hmmm, thank goodness for karl, my partners, big muscles!!

P.S Don`t know what i`d of done if his bag split!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, that was Hamish alright! I think he`s becoming nearly as popualr as Lady and Sir Minions Martha Fahaka now!!! Then again, he is adorable, not to mention HUGE!!!!
Yeah, I saw AppleB's pictures! He is amazing!

Perhaps smeone shoukld start the fish red carpet. People could enter their fish and a moderator could gove them a status out of say 100%, depending on how much that fish has been mentioned by other members!

Ah well, I'm weird! :flex: :nod:
You`re not wierd! You are a fish lover, that makes you not wierd at all.
The red carpet thing would be good but Lady and Sir Minion would be king and queen all the time. It would be like Tom Cruise walking along side a load of stars from B movies!!
Yeah, I suppose it would!

What with the DPs (the Fearsome Foursome, I think), Dragon Puffers (Smaug and Smeagol)and of course lovely Martha Fahaka! Got these names out of sigs and on their gallery, don't worry I haven't been stalking them! :p

Oh yeah, and all those little L-numbers!
There again, we could give them a run for their money if you saw our signature!!!!
We do have lots of oddballs, with our own Lineatus, 2 figure eights, 2 dragon puffers, a HUGE catfish who lives with hamish and the Florida Gars. All the dragon gobies and the polpterus, then the butterfly fish and the elephant nose and the lionfish etc.
The list goes on......
Not forgetting Gabriel and Cornelius, the Red Tail being Gabriel and the Yellow/Marble Tail being Cornelius. They are growing at an alarming rate now and will be our biggest cats, along with the Pseudodoras Niger and Girraffe cats which should reach 3ft (ish)
yeah, the freshwater lionfish or toadfish as some people call them. They are great ones, so ugly they are cute!!

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