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  1. ryanp15

    Bargain Suplus Plants?

    thanks for your advice :D lol even though its more car related than plant related! so where can i buy good plants from? I want toyota plants :D
  2. ryanp15

    Bargain Suplus Plants?

    are the bargain surplus plants from plants alive worth having? I thought they looked like good value, are they good condition etc.? thanks Ryan
  3. ryanp15

    Musicians..... What Are You Doing Atm

    I play piano and guitar :) 11 years and 5 years. I'm doing the grade 5 pieces for guitar atm, and I only did 1 piano grade, but I do a few concerts or recitals a year, lol! I should practice more :S I play guitar in a chamber group with another guitarist, a celloist (he's 6, lol, but really...
  4. ryanp15

    Telephone Box Fish Tank

    lol, the bit that makes me laugh is how many times they talk about 'exotically coloured fish' when they clearly aren't :P but theres plenty of room in there if they're looked after. They don't say anything about it being temporary in the article :S
  5. ryanp15

    How Old Are You

    17 on august 15th :D I can't wait to drive!!! Also I've got friends born on the 2nd, 9th, 11th, 14th, 18th, 21st, and 26th august! lol AS exams finished yay! but I've started year 2 now :(
  6. ryanp15

    Beta Shark Help

    that's not a betta it'll be a bala shark, like ibbledibble said :D
  7. ryanp15

    Tv Show To Get Bigger Tank...

    I've seen that bowl, a lot bigger than some bowls but still not right for the fish :D the tracy beaker tank has always got loads of glodfish in it. Clean though, but surely it's overstocked. The worst I've seen on tv is on 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here' the small bowl on the presenters...
  8. ryanp15


    oh no I'm not worried, I'e got 3 normal ones also, so 6 altogether :D they seem to be doing fine together :) thanks for that anyway :good:
  9. ryanp15


    They've got the same fins and body shape, just a brighter colour and no black spot. As far as I can see anyway :D
  10. ryanp15

    What To Do With My Conservatory Tank..

    pull as much hair algae out as you can by hand :D its the only way to do it really! good luck :)
  11. ryanp15

    Starving Fish, Help?

    you need to post in the betta section, or the emergency section :D
  12. ryanp15

    Clown Loaches Cucumber

    All you need for the cucumber is a strip of led, like the stuff you get on some plants. Just push this through the cucumber. I leave the cucumber in for a couple of days, lol! I wouldn't think it could pollute the water becase its only really watery. I use it mainly for my sucking loach, but the...
  13. ryanp15

    Noooo! I Think He Died :(

    sorry, he died :( but at least I didn'thave to kill him! its annoying how the female was on the other side of the tank and shes fine, it doesn't make sense :S thanks for all your help :D
  14. ryanp15

    Female Or Male?

    thanks for all your help :D haha im confused now! so how do i condition her/him to find out?
  15. ryanp15

    Female Or Male?

    I could try some corys then maybe. Are there any mid swimming fish that are compatible? I might just have to get some black sand aswell! it looks really good in phoenixbabys tank :D Thanks for your help
  16. ryanp15

    Female Or Male?

    do the males have another piece of skin which makes their beard? She seems to just be flaring the gills, and when they both used to flare it looked like she didn't have a beard. But I can't compare now! It seems to be jsut the gills that flare, a beard is really noticable isn't it? thanks :good:
  17. ryanp15

    Help Needed On Lakes

    There's a theme park near me in lowestoft with a large lake. It has koi, golden rudd, etc. and I've noticed that there are a few places around the edge where loads of bubbles come up, so it seems they aereate the lake. There's also some big well type things that the water flows over when it...
  18. ryanp15


    Yes, I have 3 of them :) I wondered for ages what they were becasue I forgot what was on the tank when I bought them. The missing black spot was the thing that confused me, but somebody told me it's just another way they breed them. They're also much brighter than the normal ones I have. I...
  19. ryanp15

    New Boy

    he's nice :) bright! really similar to a male i just lost :(
  20. ryanp15

    Female Or Male?

    oh yeah i forgot to say that, I can't see a beard when she flares. Do you put a mirror on the outside of the tank? I did it the other day and she didn't take any notice :S I was thinking of having a soronity rather than another male, but obviously would need to be certain of having a female...
  21. ryanp15

    Female Or Male?

    thanks! 10 gallons all to himself now! :good: yep the colours are bright, it doesn't show that well on the pic but theres blue stripes on the caudal fin :)
  22. ryanp15

    Female Or Male?

    the male probably had a bacterial infection, like lots on this forum recently. He was fine but then suddenly really slow, not eating much and laying on the bottom or leaves almost constantly. I treated with an antibacteria thing but it didn't work :( So do young males have the ovipositor...
  23. ryanp15

    Female Or Male?

    My male betta died :( as explained in another post The female is fine and always has been, so would it be ok to just remove the divider and let her have the whole tank? The water's the same, so that's ok, I did a 50% water change aswell. But will the ornamant things be ok? I don't want her to...
  24. ryanp15

    Help! Please?

    sounds like what mt betta had, but he died last night :( I tried to treat him but it didn't work! good luck for you and your bettas though! :good:
  25. ryanp15

    Noooo! I Think He Died :(

    i dont fancy either of those :S but no hes not moving, i'll out my hand in though to check for definate. I can't see any gill movement though :(
  26. ryanp15

    Noooo! I Think He Died :(

    sorry but thats another male betta thats died recently on this forum for no clear reason :( i tried treating him but... The female is still doing great though! Are there any ways to euthanase them, i don't have clove oil :S but i think he's already died :(
  27. ryanp15

    Dividing A Tank For Bettas

    you could even have your 5 male bettas in 25-30 gallons divided and a soronity in the other 20-25 :D you've got loads of room! much more than a lot of people give their bettas! they'll be very happy, and if you had a soronity there would be a larger space to aquascape, it could look fantastic...
  28. ryanp15

    Dividing A Tank For Bettas

    you want 5 bettas don't you? so you could get a 20 gallon for each betta to have 4 gallons. That would probably be fine. It would be good if the tank was longer rather than taller, so then each divided section gets a big surface area, rather than a tall slim space :) you sound like you'll keep...
  29. ryanp15

    Help! Please! 1st Visit To This Website.

    Have you tried posting in the betta section about the bettas? They were really useful for me :) My lfs told me that a male and female betta would be fine, I added them to my community tank and they just hid at the bottom. Whenever they moved they got fin nipped. I think the best thing for...
  30. ryanp15

    Betta-lethargic, Not Eating--what's Best To Give?

    My male is exactly the same! yet the female in the other bit of the tank is as good as ever :S I've just done water changes and added bacteria control :) It's my first male, apart from one I had years ago in a community tank that I didn't actually know was a betta. I dont want to lose him!
  31. ryanp15

    African Dwarf Frogs - I Think One Is Struggling To Breathe

    :( thats a shame I think this happened with my frogs, shallower water is probably best :) but glad to hear the rest are doing fine!
  32. ryanp15

    Is His Caudal Fin Stuck Together?

    Thanks for your help, I'll keep a watch on him and see how he does :D I've only had him maybe 2-3 months, i can't remember :S but something like that. So really he shouldn't be old, you never know though!
  33. ryanp15

    Hows This Tank?

    yes 1 gallon is too small! Have you only got the desk to put the betta on? Is there nowhere else to put it? You can see really when looking at tanks that the fish seem too cramped :S In England bettas aren't kept in cups, so there's no comparison with cups for us. There are lots of small tanks...
  34. ryanp15

    Ok I Am Done!

    are chinese algae eaters the same as sucking loach? I'm worried I might have one, I've had it for about 3 years now though!
  35. ryanp15

    Is His Caudal Fin Stuck Together?

    any more ideas? does anyone else think it's a bacterial problem or just the fins being stuck together? or are they the same thing :S sorry, i just don't like to see him ill :D i've put bacteria control in the tank anyway :) thanks again!
  36. ryanp15

    Betta Neighbors

    i think some people use dividers that they can't see through, so maybe they should have a divider between the tanks :S but i keep a male and female in the same tank with a divider, and apart from a bit of flaring they're fine. I think somebody more experienced needs to help you :D a little bit...
  37. ryanp15

    Is His Caudal Fin Stuck Together?

    Here's the pics of him, he looks really restless most of the time! If I added the antibacteria control the female would still be ok in the tank wouldn't she? (theres a divider obviously) thanks for your help :D
  38. ryanp15

    Is His Caudal Fin Stuck Together?

    I did a post last week about my ill betta, and I now think that maybe his caudal fin is stuck together. Could this be the reason why he isn't swimming much and resting lots? when he swims it looks like he has trouble aswell. I think there was a post similar to this where someone said about...
  39. ryanp15

    Is His Caudal Fin Stuck Together?

    seems I posted two the same :S can any1 delete this one please?
  40. ryanp15

    This Might Be A Cheap Tank :s

    it's a starter tank, £20, with filter, pump, tubing net and food. (in the bottom right corner) on special offer at cherry lane garden centre, east anglia. might not be any use to anyone but just in case! :good: