Bargain Suplus Plants?

As George Farmer likes to say:

'Buy Cheap, Buy twice'

Not far from the truth where plants are concerned ;)

Considering the quality of Mercs, Truck thats not a good comparison :lol:
Lamborghinis break down all the time :lol:

Best to say they are the Toyota of the plant scene!!!! reliable and good quality whilst not extortionate in cost

Definately avoid plantsalive, they are not!! I've just wasted a lot of money with them, should have gone with Tropica.
i have just brought some plants from them to see wot they are like

(plantsalive) they do say if not happy return the items and get full refund

ill let u know abt my plants they sed they have posted them to day but i only ordered bargain surplus plants just for my fry tanks

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