Noooo! I Think He Died :(


Fish Fanatic
Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
Burgh Castle, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
sorry but thats another male betta thats died recently on this forum for no clear reason :(
i tried treating him but... The female is still doing great though!

Are there any ways to euthanase them, i don't have clove oil :S but i think he's already died :(
well... is he still alive? moving? breathing? if not... he is dead.. if you need to uthenaze and dont have clove oil, a slice to the back of the head with a razor blade or put in boiling water.. both kill instantly... neitehr are for the squeemish
Sorry to hear it, it doesn't sound good.

I heard Ice cold water kills instantly too. Leave the water in the freezer until the surface freezes over, then break it to prepare it for the fish.

(their is a thread on euthanasia you can search for)

ice cold water doesn't kill instantly at all, it shuts down all of its organs 1 by 1 and put the poor fish in more pain than it is in already :angry:

After searching through the euthanasia thread, I learned that many people had used that method before, a few of the methods described:

Boiling water
Ice cold water
Blow to back of head
Removal of head
Clove oil

None are particularly nice, not for the squeemish. Any news mate? I hope he is getting better!


Sorry to hear about your sad news :( i know how loosing them for no apparent reason only makes things harder

BTW the only methods that are said (somewhere proven) to be painless are clove oil, decapitation or crushing...both of the later are still a bit stressful to the fish but its over fast.

if you poor fella is still allive then please don't use freezing :no:
I had a very bad Rummy Nose and I wrapped it in tissue then gave my sister a clock to squash it.
It was horrible, probably not the best way... but defo instant.
No how you feel :no:
I had to put a cory out of its misery the other day, never nice :no:
ice cold water doesn't kill instantly at all, it shuts down all of its organs 1 by 1 and put the poor fish in more pain than it is in already :angry:


hmm i would think the fish would be deep in a hypothermea enduced hiberbation before its organs shut down. i agree, its not a nice way to do it, but the fish would bearly feel a thing.
its annoying how the female was on the other side of the tank and shes fine, it doesn't make sense :S

Hi. Sorry about your guy.
The thing is, tank water always has some bacteria in it, its normally only when a fish gets a bit stressed or injured that their immune systems cant defend against any bad bacteria. This could be why your female is ok. She may have a stronger immune system. There are other reasons like bad water stats etc.....etc.....
it can happen for various reasons. i'm so sorry to hear that.

I've had to put down 2 bettas........ verrrrrrrry sad :( .... especially after treating them all i could and "being realistic".

clove oil. period. i spent $15 at a local health food store. $50 would be worth it knowing that they go humanly. i'm not going to discuss the process here cuz some ppl might abuse it. never do this to a fish unless absolutely necessary.

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