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  1. C

    In-Line Heater Has Broke

    Sounds like the wires have came loose or broken. Check the connections in the plug, but it's most likely the ones that are sealed away and you can't get to easily without ruining the insulation
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    Plants, Lighting, Co2

    I have a Juwel Rio 240 and it has 2 x 54W lamps. You sure it's 45W? Yes, you probably will need to dose CO2. I've got around this by blacking out one of the lights
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    New Tank Questions

    Advantages of a spray bar are that you can create less current through the tank and more surface agitation to add oxygen. With a planted tank, you want minimal agitation so that the plants have CO2, which they will turn into oxygen. I have a submerged spray bar angled upwards which creates small...
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    Fire-Mouth Cichlid Eggs

    Rams eggs hatch in a couple of days, so I'd expect similar for firemouths. Maybe the difference in colour is different development of the embryo or unfertilised eggs
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    0.25-0.50 Ammonia

    When was the filter cycled? What has recently changed? New fish?
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    Keeping Fish Is Cruel?

    That's quite a conflicting statement in itself. The fish farms only exist because there is a demand for the fish in tanks, so it is the fish keeping demand that causes all of those problems. It wastes water sure, but I live where the water is taken from a river, so not like in London where the...
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    Sick Oscar

    Any nitrites are dangerous. You're doing a fish in cycle, lots of water changes are in order. Buying some live plants will help with the cycling
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    Dosing Seachem Flourish?

    I started today, I'm dosing 1ml every other day rather than 4ml a week. If things don't get better, then I'll start upping the dose
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    Keeping Fish Is Cruel?

    For fish like Cichlids, surely they take up a cave and habit one small area and only venture far away for food? Also they're going to get eaten by a bigger fish eventually, and diseases cannot be treated in the wild. I agree that they're locked up which isn't perfect, but a big enough tank...
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    Lfs, What Should Their Priority Be?

    They're all the same from my experience. I know of a shop that someone told me was really good as he wouldn't sell him just anything and always made sure they were disease free before selling to him. He was refused to be sold plecos several times as they would outgrow his tank, then a few weeks...
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    What Is Ppm?

    When you say your tank is ok, what do you mean? To put fish in? It's definitely not ok for that.
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    Need New Stocking Ideas

    That's a lot of filteration! I don't know how many you can add with that, but I'd still suggest more tetras as I think they're cool in large groups. What are you after? Weird fish, colourful?
  13. C

    Can I Keep 3 Oscars In My 10G?

    Yes, but look at the time stamp for what you just posted. It's always an hour behind. The site runs on GMT, but we're now on BST
  14. C

    Dosing Seachem Flourish?

    Don't quote me, but I've read it's better to split the dose into several smaller ones but more often. However 1ml is very small and hard to split. I'll be starting on flourish next week, so interested to hear what anyone has to say
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    What Is Ppm?

    ppm is parts per million. They're the same unit with a different name: 1000000mg in a litre
  16. C

    Can I Keep 3 Oscars In My 10G?

    I'm also in England, and that was posted at 12:53, but the clock on here is GMT so looks like you pass. You can claim you did, but I know otherwise ;)
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    Need New Stocking Ideas

    I'd say you're quite close to being fully stocked. What capacity is the new tank? Maybe up the schools of tetras
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    Can I Keep 3 Oscars In My 10G?

    Are you in Britain? The time stamp on this site is an hour behind in BST, it was 12:53 to me ;)
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    Can I Keep 3 Oscars In My 10G?

    I thought you had to do the April fools before midday or else YOU'RE the fool :lol:
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    Odd Molly Behavior..? (Couple Of Pictures)

    How big is your tank? I'd go for a large one now 25-50% And big ones again if you notice ammonia or nitrite as being high.
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    Odd Molly Behavior..? (Couple Of Pictures)

    Ok, so sounds like you cycled it properly. Did you give the BOTTLE a good shake of number 2 before adding to the solution? You then need a good shake on the final solution to get accurate readings. Ammonia with a green tinge sounds like a small ammonia spike. Are you dechlorinating the water...
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    The Tropical Fish Shop

    I would expect the payment has long gone through, and unless it's on a credit card, you'd have problems getting the bank to act quickly
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    Odd Molly Behavior..? (Couple Of Pictures)

    How did you cycle the tank? How long have the fish been in? My impression is that it wasn't cycled fishlessly. Is that the Nitrate or Ammonia test result (the yellow one)? To have 0 Nitrate is unlikely in a cycled tank
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    What Else Do I Need To Keep Plants Healthy?

    They'd been in for 6-9 months. I can't remember exactly, but it was last summer. Even easy to keep plants aren't easy!
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    What Else Do I Need To Keep Plants Healthy?

    I wasn't disputing that, I meant that until today, I've never added excel, but the vallis melted a few weeks ago, and all that changed was the meds I put in. That and I had been dosing King British for a month or 2 at that point
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    What Else Do I Need To Keep Plants Healthy?

    Oh dear, I've already added the excel, I guess my vallis is a gonna now! I wish they'd given me a T8 lit tank, it'd be so much simpler. What melted the vallis in the first place though? Can meds do it? I dosed an anti bacterial/fungal meds a week or 2 before that happened, but nothing else...
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    What Else Do I Need To Keep Plants Healthy?

    The problem is that the tank came with nearly 2wpg lighting and it costs a fortune to buy a new hood and lights etc, so I blacked one out. I know they're easy grow plants, that's why I got them. The Flourish excel was so I could hopefully un-block the second lamp without getting algae
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    Serious Issue With Nitrates And Ammonia

    Ok, you never actually cycled the tank. You probably did what the LFS said, which they say to get money out of you immediately, and then in the future when the fish don't survive :angry: Cycling involves adding ammonia to the tank to provide a source of food for the bacteria to multiply until...
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    My New Tank

    I disagree, that website is good as an idea, but not good to plan your stocking on. Get advice from people on here before you buy from what that site says. Most people say get a group of at least 6 corys, so maybe dwarf or pygmy are a better choice. Ph is unlikely to be an issue worth thinking...
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    Serious Issue With Nitrates And Ammonia

    How long has the tank been running? When were the last additions and how many fish? Has any major work/cleaning been done on the filter? Is it fully cycled?
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    What Else Do I Need To Keep Plants Healthy?

    I am having a nightmare keeping my plants in good health. Firstly they started dying off, I bought some King British aquatic plant food which stopped the rot and some have started growing. Now they are starting to show small holes in the leaves again, which I want to sort out. I also bought...
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    Dwarf Gouramais And Bolivian Rams

    Honey Gouramis are supposed to be more peaceful, but mine is a total nightmare! He attacked the femal every time he saw her, so she just hid in the plants most of the time. Since she died, he's decided to go after my Bolivian Rams every time they get in to eye sight. I half want the bloody...
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    Best Juwell Lights

    You asked this half an hour ago?
  34. C

    Best Juwell Lights

    If you want to pick up the blue colours, then a blue coloured light will work best. I haven't tried any different lights, so can't advise on which one, but I don't believe the change of light colour bothers the plants
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    Worried About My Combination Of Fish

    Why do you want a heater for a goldfish tank? Unless you live somewhere freezing cold, the goldfish doesn't need warm water. They are coldwater fish
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    Hi, Stocking Advice Please

    I'd add a few more zebra danios 8-10 personally a large group of cardnals, but you could go for 2 smaller groups of schooling fish. Either a group of apistos 1m 3f, or a couple of pairs of dwarf cichlids. There's an article in PFK this month about good dwarf cichlids for less experienced...
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    Purple Ram?

    Reportedly there is a purple ram that is a colour morph of the blue ram. But I've never seen a picture of one, let alone stock of them anywhere
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    Apistogramma Fry

    Where are you based? Are any of the fry available once big enough?
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    New Fish Identification

    Looks like a gold severum to me
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    How Many Dwarf Cichlid Pairs In A 4Ft Tank?

    121L x 73H x 41W cm 4ft x 2'5" x 1'4"