Odd Molly Behavior..? (Couple Of Pictures)

I did a fishless cycle following the advice on the beginners resource bit.

it's deffinatly the nitratre one, the ammonia has a slightly more greenish tint to it (but barely noticable unless held next to nitrate result.)

Ok, so sounds like you cycled it properly. Did you give the BOTTLE a good shake of number 2 before adding to the solution? You then need a good shake on the final solution to get accurate readings.

Ammonia with a green tinge sounds like a small ammonia spike.

Are you dechlorinating the water on changes? And only rinsing the filter media in old tank water to clean?

With only adding 3 fish to your fishless cycled tank, you are going to lose some of the bacteria that the fishless cycle achieved, so you can expect a slight spike when future fish are added.

I'd do a large water change now and hope things improve
Now you mention the big shake with bottle number 2, i think i might re test- i think i did shake it but now im questioning myself haha.

Yes i do dechlorinate on water changes, i'll test nitrate again then do a water change.

Nope, definitely 0.

I'll do a water change now. how much do you think i should change at a time?
Nope, definitely 0.

I'll do a water change now. how much do you think i should change at a time?

How big is your tank?

I'd go for a large one now 25-50%

And big ones again if you notice ammonia or nitrite as being high.

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