How Many Dwarf Cichlid Pairs In A 4Ft Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 18, 2011
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I have a pair of Bolivian Rams and a pair of Checkerboard Cichlids (may be same sex as young) in my tank currently. I'm wondering if it would be possible to add a pair of Nannacara Anomala or Apistogrammas (preferably Borelli if I can source them) aswell?

The rams haven't spawned in almost a year and I doubt they will again. The Dicrossus both look to be male but are still too young to say for certain, so doubt there would be too much aggression down there.
Are they the only ones in your tank. I have a pair of Bol Rams and a pair of Kribs with a female eliotti and a juvi eliotti. Like most cichlids they get very territorial when spawning. I have plenty of plants, caves and wood to let them sort out their own little areas in the tank.
The rams and checkers are the only Cichlids I have currently. Also a Bulldog plec and the rest are middle and top swimming fish.

There's a couple of slate caves and some bogwood with a few plants.

Just thought another pair would be nicer than the normal fish that all shops sell.
I reckon you'd get away with that (although I wouldn't chance it if the floor space is 4x1ft) but I'd make sure you've got plenty of clear territories - features such as a bogwood pile or rock/cave feature with planting in between to break up lines of sight between the different territories should help.

Oh, and I'd suggest doing the rescape as you add the new fish - that way none will have any existing territories and you can start from scratch.
I reckon you'd get away with that (although I wouldn't chance it if the floor space is 4x1ft) but I'd make sure you've got plenty of clear territories - features such as a bogwood pile or rock/cave feature with planting in between to break up lines of sight between the different territories should help.

Oh, and I'd suggest doing the rescape as you add the new fish - that way none will have any existing territories and you can start from scratch.

I make it 4ft by 16 inches. Is that big enough or too small?
I'd say it's enough to give it a go but - watch them closely and if you're getting issues don't be shy about removing and returning/rehoming one of the pairs.
I'd say it's enough to give it a go but - watch them closely and if you're getting issues don't be shy about removing and returning/rehoming one of the pairs.

Awesome! Now I need to find somewhere that stocks them.

Rams and Checkers have absolutely no problems when swimming next to each other. Neither even seem to care about a territory, they just troll about everywhere. One of the checkers did get a fright by trying to eat food that the much larger ram was going for at the same time :lol:
i have a pair or kribs and 4 bolivian rams, two of which have paired up in a 4 foot tank. a word of advice would be to put any caves you have at either end of the tank, if you get them laying eggs in the middle, you could get problems.
i have a pair or kribs and 4 bolivian rams, two of which have paired up in a 4 foot tank. a word of advice would be to put any caves you have at either end of the tank, if you get them laying eggs in the middle, you could get problems.

I have both caves at either end, but don't see any spawning happening. The male ram is a bit of a dick to the female since they spawned 9 months ago
I know this is probably a no, but would a Rotkeil Severum be ok in there?

I'd only go for 1 as it's a fair bit larger than any of my other stock and don't want breeding aggression.

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