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  1. P

    Worldwide Shipping

    THX, will try to find some in eu or usa... local, no I don't think so, here also the fish that are not rare in other countries are not always available... I couldn't even get hold of ottos for a very long time and they aren't rare... but I think my friend has Iriatherina werneri, which is also...
  2. P

    Worldwide Shipping

    HI! Just want to know if any of you have experience with worldwide shipping of fish? Cause we don't have any pseudomugil species here and when I asked our petshops here if they could order them they said no (yeah, we have great shops here :( )... And I want to know if it is possible to order...
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    HI! Well I posted about my pleco a while ago here about his ID and I am convinced he is Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus which can grow up to 31 cm in length. Because at that time I only had a small tank I gave it away. But now I can get him back for free, and I have a 63us gallon tank
  4. P


    yap it does go off...
  5. P

    Worms In Filter?

    HI! I never had worms in my filter before so I almost freaked out when I cleaned the filter media yesterday. I saw small yellowish round stuff and wanted to check what it was and then I saw a worm like creature escaping into filter media. I didn't have a chance to look it better but it was...
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    Pseudomugil Furcatus In A Community Tank?

    sorry, I double clicked and now there are two post the same
  7. P

    Pseudomugil Furcatus In A Community Tank?

    Would P. furcatus be Ok in a community tank with 15 guppies, 6 glass catfish and 5 ottos? The tank is 63 US gallons. Also are there any other small kilifishs that would work in that comunity? the more colorful the better. And I love their blue eyes :rolleyes:
  8. P

    I Don't Know....

    guppies, platies and zebras will be fine. I don't know about chery barbs. But I would be a little worried for black neons tho I am no expert, but neons live in acidic, black water (soft) and salt is found in harder water.
  9. P

    Fishless Cycling - Whento Add Plants

    hm...I always add plants from the start in my tank. It doesn't seem to affect them. I believe they are helpful in cycling.
  10. P

    Dwarf Croaking Gourami Experience...

    HI! Does anyone have experience with them? Would they be Ok in a community tank (guppies, glass catfish, ottos) or would they be agresive? I read they are friendly, but than dwarf gouramis are also said to be friendly but in my experience they aren't... THX
  11. P

    What Else Could I Add?

    betta and male guppies...Hm I wouldn't do it...
  12. P

    Bogwood Poisoning

    sorry for hijacking the tread but since you are all talking about sterilization of bogwood... How would you sterilize bogwoods that have plants attached to them? (tropica) You can't pour boiling water over them... I didn't sterilize it - I just put it in the tank...
  13. P


    I love the turtle :)
  14. P

    No More Guppys For Me

    I also bought 8 guppies at the begining (2 males, 6 females) and all but one female died. But she had lots of fry which the majority survived and now I have a lot of guppies and home bred are very hardy... Try to get guppy fry from someone who has them at home because they are ussually healthy...
  15. P

    Sand Or Stone?

    just one said you never clean the sand in your goldfish tank and it is clean? What about their wastes - don't that stay in that sand than ? (sorry if it is a stupid question, I always had gravel in all my tanks)
  16. P

    Algae Control In Coldwater Tanks

    what about garras? They are opurtunistic feeders but as far as I know they do eat algae...and they are subtropical too...
  17. P

    Male/female Ratio?

    well if the female dies quickly because of the males, than the store can sell more fish ;) You were right and you can tell them that :)
  18. P

    Male/female Ratio?

    It is one male to 3 females with livebarers. some male livebarers can pester a female to death if there aren't enough females. It is with egg scaterers that is suggested 2-3 males per female I believe, tho I am not sure.
  19. P

    Glass Cafish Tankmates, 63 Us Gallon

    Hi! I need suggestions for stocking my 63 Us gallon. I have 13 male fancy guppies in it and currently 2 ottos (will add 4 more). I am planing on having 6 glass catfish in there as well. What other species could go in there?maybe from india... They have to be guppy safe too... THX
  20. P

    Need Help About Two Questions

    hm...I once forgot the pipe that connects with airstone in the tank after I turned the electricity and it took me awhile to notice but my tank was slowly emptying and there was water all over the floor :blush: But seriously, when I change water I do it with vacum too :)
  21. P

    Copper Long Finn Rosy Barb?

    HI! I was reading a magazine (PFK) and saw a fish and when I asked what it was they said it was long fin rosy barb. I could tell from the photo it was barb but it was orange like a platy would be so I was confused cause I couldn't find any info on that fish. But now they tell mi it is man made...
  22. P

    Feeding Variety

    you could also feed them with bloodworms, earthworms and ocasionally tubifex...
  23. P

    Small Tank, Which Pleco?

    so you think BN would be OK in there? I definetly am not getting a common, dont worry :) Than perhaps I will try BN and if he won't be ok I will move him in my 63 US gallon tank? Tho I am still thinking of moving ottos in the bigger tank. Well I was thinking of getting BN for my bigger...
  24. P

    Small Tank, Which Pleco?

    HI! One of my tanks is small and I have female guppies in it. I am thnking of giving away all my female guppies and get new unrelated to my males. I currently have 2 otos in this small tank but am thinking of buying 3 or 4 more of them and moving them into my bigger tank... What pleco could I...
  25. P

    Guppy Tank

    just wanted to add...There should be 2-3 female guppies for one male. Otherwise the females get too exhausted and are constantly chased by male - this reduces their lifespan.
  26. P

    How Big Tnak Would You Keep Goldfish In?

    HI! just wondering...How big a tank would you need for three or four comets? I am not planing on having them just now since I am going to start bigger tropical tank, but in the future...who knows? Also could they be bred to be a bit smaller? If you breed from smaller and smaller fish which...
  27. P

    Dwarf Platties

    dwarf platies? How big do they get?
  28. P

    Fish With Caracter, Unusual..

    Yap, I think I might as well do that :). And maybe one fish will stand out of the crowd and that will be the right for me. But seriously - I have to research species before I buy any fish...When I decide on a few, than I will go to the shops and have a look and than I will see which I like the...
  29. P

    The Best Place To Get Female Guppies

    HI! All my current guppies (I have them seperated male, female) are my fry and I would love to get some interesting colored female guppies to breed from. Mine are all related. Does anyone know where I could get nice colored guppy females in UK? Pink solids, yellow solids, and also other colors...
  30. P

    Fish With Caracter, Unusual..

    spiny eel - yeah, I like their looks, but will have to read about them some more. I once saw a peacock and I liked it very much - they need to be in little groups, right? Also like severums :) Yes, my wish is to have some unusual, character fish but that could live with some other fish as well...
  31. P

    Any Good Site About Oddball Fish Out There?

    yeah, I know about using latin names, dont worry, common names don't mean a lot to me since they are in english :blush: and I did already go through the list of oddbals given on this forum, I was just wondering if there are more - and don't get me wrong, I think the descriptions are helpful.
  32. P

    Otto Cat Behavoir

    My ottos are active, always eating algae off the plants and rocks (not much from the glass tho). I love watching them, I think they are great and am planing to buy some more.
  33. P

    Any Good Site About Oddball Fish Out There?

    Oh.... Ok, will go trough all the posts but not all are describing species... THX
  34. P

    Any Good Site About Oddball Fish Out There?

    HI! Does anyone know of a web site with descriptions of different oddball fish, with relavant infos? (like there is a planet catfish for catfish) or any book?
  35. P

    Fish With Caracter, Unusual..

    There are no tankmates yet, guppies will stay in a 63 US gallon so they will not be in the same tank cause i know guppies are too small for most wacky fish.
  36. P

    Fish With Caracter, Unusual..

    THX for all you replies. I am thinking about getting a 500l plus tank. yeah, oscars grow pretty big...I would like to have a bit smaller fish that could be kept with at least some pleco and ottos... I would love it if the fish would live for 10yrs or more, I wouldn't get tired of it because it...
  37. P

    Fish With Caracter, Unusual..

    THX for the suggestions :) Well about oscars...they would need to be fed with smaller fish, right? Ok, will go to section african chichilids than. OH, and forget about elephant nose, I have read more about them on the net (I read about them in the books previously) and everyone just keps...
  38. P

    Fish With Caracter, Unusual..

    HI! I was thinking about getting a new tank...I would like to have some interesting, unusual fish in there. A fish with character, you know ( not with nasty character)... Like max 20 cm long, Ok it could be slightly bigger, but not too much... It would be a big tank. and no, I dont like...