Fish With Caracter, Unusual..


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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I was thinking about getting a new tank...I would like to have some interesting, unusual fish in there. A fish with character, you know ( not with nasty character)...
Like max 20 cm long, Ok it could be slightly bigger, but not too much...

It would be a big tank.

and no, I dont like puffers...

was thinking maybe about elephantnose. But It could be any other interesting fish.

Really any interesting fish with character...


I was thinking about getting a new tank...I would like to have some interesting, unusual fish in there. A fish with character, you know ( not with nasty character)...
Like max 20 cm long, Ok it could be slightly bigger, but not too much...

It would be a big tank.

and no, I dont like puffers...

was thinking maybe about elephantnose. But It could be any other interesting fish.

Really any interesting fish with character...


if your getting a 75gal+ tank I would say oscars have personality in big aquantitys, as soon as i walk in the room he swims as fast as he can to the front screen, always watches you and when you feed him he takes stuff out of your hand, its pretty cool. These guys get very large though and You cant keep them as two in less then 125gallons. Also these guys will eatanything that fits in their mouths, as previously said on other posts they are like the puppies of the aquarists world...

Ace Of Spades
how about a group of shell dweller cichlids, neolamprologus multifascius (off the top of my head so probably spelt wrong) are only small fish but have bags of personality and then you can have a nice big group of them, the group dynamics are fascinating to watch.

check out the african cichlids forum for more info :good:
THX for the suggestions :)
Well about oscars...they would need to be fed with smaller fish, right?

Ok, will go to section african chichilids than.

OH, and forget about elephant nose, I have read more about them on the net (I read about them in the books previously) and everyone just keps telling they are shy and not playfull as the books describe them...
THX for the suggestions :)
Well about oscars...they would need to be fed with smaller fish, right?

Ok, will go to section african chichilids than.

OH, and forget about elephant nose, I have read more about them on the net (I read about them in the books previously) and everyone just keps telling they are shy and not playfull as the books describe them...

Wrong, oscars do just fine, if not better on pellets and frozen food. Some people feed live fish to their oscars, but this is totally unessasary.

Would really help if we knew what size tank you had, do you only want 1 fish in it or alot?
yeah, while Oscars are lovely, they are big messy fish, IMO they need a 100gal tank and they need filtration good enough for a 200gal tank. They can't have many tankmates and they eat a hell of a lot. As freshwater fish go, because of their requirements, they can be fairly expensive to keep. They'll live a good 10 years and are difficult to re-home as adults therefore you'll need to be absolutley sure you are OK with that committment. If you do consider it go and do loads of research first, too many people buy these fish without thinking long term and as such many of them suffer terribly in cramped or poor conditions.

Elephant noses are very hard to keep alive tbh! They are picky eaters and will starve if put in community tanks most of the time, so again you've got to keep them alone and they need a fairly large tank. So again you've got the prospect of a big tank, with just 1 fish in it. Lot of people would get bored of that over time!
THX for the suggestions :)
Well about oscars...they would need to be fed with smaller fish, right?

Ok, will go to section african chichilids than.

OH, and forget about elephant nose, I have read more about them on the net (I read about them in the books previously) and everyone just keps telling they are shy and not playfull as the books describe them...

My Oscars love worms and cichlids pellets, you dont need to feed them fish...
If you keep elephant noses in a group and in a species tank with plenty of hiding places, they become quite playful. They are easily picked on, so that is why a species tank is recommended, or at least one with very docile tankmates with similar behavior.

THX for all you replies. I am thinking about getting a 500l plus tank.
yeah, oscars grow pretty big...I would like to have a bit smaller fish that could be kept with at least some pleco and ottos...
I would love it if the fish would live for 10yrs or more, I wouldn't get tired of it because it was the same. I just really want it to be something special, but would also (but not necesarily) have at least two fish in aquarium.

I don't mind feeding fish live food (but i wouldn't want to feed them live fish) - I am feeding my current fish, which are guppies, with daphnia, artemia and also bloodworms along with prepared food.
What will the tank mates be? If they are going to be fish like your guppies, you will be fairly limited as they will likely get eaten by larger fish.

There are no tankmates yet, guppies will stay in a 63 US gallon so they will not be in the same tank cause i know guppies are too small for most wacky fish.
I think most medium to large american cichlids fall into this category,

Obviously oscars are regarded as one species that have great personalities, but IMO Severums, Jack Dempseys, Blue Acaras etc. all are popular because of their interaction with their owners. Something like a Severum or an acara will also be more compatible with other non cichlids, (which i'm feeling is a requirement that you are looking for).
Start a nano tank. Get a sixline wrasse or a yellow watchman goby. Now THERE is character. SH
THX for all you replies. I am thinking about getting a 500l plus tank.
yeah, oscars grow pretty big...I would like to have a bit smaller fish that could be kept with at least some pleco and ottos...
I would love it if the fish would live for 10yrs or more, I wouldn't get tired of it because it was the same. I just really want it to be something special, but would also (but not necesarily) have at least two fish in aquarium.

I don't mind feeding fish live food (but i wouldn't want to feed them live fish) - I am feeding my current fish, which are guppies, with daphnia, artemia and also bloodworms along with prepared food.

In a 500L im sure you can have a oscar and a pleco, maybe even a few silver dollars, someone correct me if im wrong but ive seen it done...

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