Dwarf Platties


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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so, i am restocking the tank after a very goooood cleaning regime. all new equipment.

found these yesterday and they are adorable, the lfs thought they were baby platties, but i recognised the shape of them, this morning 3 of them have birthed.
Yep they are called dwarf platies. I got into a big argument with a moderator on another site about whether or not dwarf platies are an actual species of platy, or just a mutated version of a normal platy.
I am Sooo Glad i Got these, they are Sooooo Adorable to watch and their colors are so vibrant.

Waters a little clougdy ATM as increased the aeration and its kicked up alot of sand into the water. will get pix once cleared up
Is your dwarf platties, a sunset? My LFS always have dwarf sunset platties but never other colors.

They are just dwarf venison of the platy, it is just same species.

I used to have trio of dwarf platties but now I only have one and I put her with the feeder guppies and bluefin killifish. The dwarf platies make a good tankmate for endlers and feeder guppies.
Is your dwarf platties, a sunset? My LFS always have dwarf sunset platties but never other colors.

They are just dwarf venison of the platy, it is just same species.

I used to have trio of dwarf platties but now I only have one and I put her with the feeder guppies and bluefin killifish. The dwarf platies make a good tankmate for endlers and feeder guppies.

yeah they are sunsets, cut litle stubby platties.
Never heard of dwarf platies, what species are they if they are a separate species?
Probably hybrids between the platy and the variatus. I don't think there was another xiphophorus species who bred for the colors beside the variatus, the southern platy and the green swordtail.

Interesting it appeared that dwarf platies has only color strain and that's only sunset.

Where's mickey mouse, calico or neon orange strains in dwarf platies.

Its possibly that this dwarf platies was bred for it shape and its probably highly inbred platy with poor genetics. But then again, where's dwarf swordtails, dwarf guppies and dwarf mollies if they were inbred just like dwarf platies?

I seen all balloon type in swordtails, guppy, molly and platies but this dwarf platy appeared to be not potbellied.
My Ickle Lickle Piggies

See how small they are compared to a WCMM




Fantastic fish, they area really colourful, how big are they at the moment?

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