Any Good Site About Oddball Fish Out There?


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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Does anyone know of a web site with descriptions of different oddball fish, with relavant infos? (like there is a planet catfish for catfish)

or any book?
To be honest, you're at it. I speak as someone who makes a living writing about oddball fish -- if I want to find out about some obscure species, I use the Search tool and go back through the TFF archives. There are some seriously talented aquarists here with very catholic tastes in fish!

Obviously Fishbase is the other place to visit, but since it's primarily about wild fish and aimed at scientists, it's value for aquarists is somewhat narrow in scope.

Cheers, Neale

Ok, will go trough all the posts but not all are describing species...

Not everything in life is served up on a plate! There are some Index entries at the top of the forum:

But otherwise get to know the Latin names and use those, since most of the serious oddball keepers seem to use Latin names rather than common names (if only because some of these fish don't have common names yet!).

Cheers, Neale
yeah, I know about using latin names, dont worry, common names don't mean a lot to me since they are in english :blush:

and I did already go through the list of oddbals given on this forum, I was just wondering if there are more - and don't get me wrong, I think the descriptions are helpful.
This place is one of the best. If you sort through the archives like nmonks suggested, you will find tons of info. Monster Fish Keepers is a great site too. If you are interested in puffers in particular, The Puffer Forum is fantastic.


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