Worldwide Shipping


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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Just want to know if any of you have experience with worldwide shipping of fish?
Cause we don't have any pseudomugil species here and when I asked our petshops here if they could order them they said no (yeah, we have great shops here :( )...
And I want to know if it is possible to order fish to be mailed to you (I am in EU)? Cause on the net I can only find shops that would for example only deliever 100 of particular species and obviously I don't want to buy that many fish...

I am interested in ordering pseudomugil rainbowfishes (P.gertrudae, cynodorsalis, furcatus...), not all of them of course.

The only way you will get Australian rainbowfish is if they are already out of Australia. Our government won't allow us to export native fishes out of the country. ANGFA does sometimes have members that send eggs overseas but I am not sure on if that still happens. Contact ANGFA at their website

There are a few species of blue-eye rainbow from New guinea and you should be able to get these from breeders in America, Europe or Asia. Again ANGFA has members in many countries around the world and they might be able to put you in touch with someone local to you.
THX, will try to find some in eu or usa...
local, no I don't think so, here also the fish that are not rare in other countries are not always available...

I couldn't even get hold of ottos for a very long time and they aren't rare...

but I think my friend has Iriatherina werneri, which is also a rainbow fish so than they must be available (tho he brought them from abroad...)?
Iriatherina werneri are found in Australia and New Guinea. The New Guinea variety is nicer than the Australian varieties and is being bred commercially in Asia.
You should be able to get Pseudomugil furcatus and connieae as well as the New Guinea varieties of gertrudae. If you look around you might find Pseudomugil paskai, and they are really nice.
New Guinea also has Melanotaenia praecox, papuae and maccullochi, which are all small species of rainbowfish.
THX :)

I looked on the angfa site and have registered to their forum (not posted anything yet tho). Will try to get hold of some rainbowfish, I really like them.
Still don't know where to order them tho, but will search the net, maybe I will someone who breeds them.

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