Fish With Caracter, Unusual..

You could do a marine tank, or a FW shrimp tank. Shrimp are cool little critters, but not very interactive, I'm afraid.

Shrimp would be a waste in a 500L imo :p

And a Marine tank of the magnitude would be a bank breaker, but if you got the money by all means do it.
Start a nano tank. Get a sixline wrasse or a yellow watchman goby. Now THERE is character. SH

500l is a bit big to be calling ;)

Have a GIANT swarm of ottos...All of my otos have tons of personality, they swim right up to my hand and start sucking on me...Even ended up pulling one out of the tank because he wouldn't let go once. :D
All my fish have character, from my fave fish my apisto caciatuoids, down to my schoal of neon tetras. they all have different attitudes and personalities. Personally I think for a big tank, oscars are great fish and can be housed with anything that won't fit in their mouths. I believe bony catfish like pleco's etc are good tankmates.

basically any Cichlid has character.
I personally think you should rethink the puffers! I have one in a tank at work (my co-workers think I am nuts w/ all my maintenance) and every morning he is right at the tank to great me, he eats out of my hand (sometimes my hand), and is just full of the most personality ever.
I personally think you should rethink the puffers! I have one in a tank at work (my co-workers think I am nuts w/ all my maintenance) and every morning he is right at the tank to great me, he eats out of my hand (sometimes my hand), and is just full of the most personality ever.

Do most puffer need Brackish?, I think those MBU puffers are so cool :p
I personally think you should rethink the puffers! I have one in a tank at work (my co-workers think I am nuts w/ all my maintenance) and every morning he is right at the tank to great me, he eats out of my hand (sometimes my hand), and is just full of the most personality ever.

Do most puffer need Brackish?, I think those MBU puffers are so cool :p

Of all of the brackish and freshwater puffers commonly traded, a majority are freshwater. Mbu puffers are cool, but they need huge tanks. They can grow up to 2 feet.

I would definitely recommend rethinking puffers. They have the more personality than almost any fish.

I personally think you should rethink the puffers! I have one in a tank at work (my co-workers think I am nuts w/ all my maintenance) and every morning he is right at the tank to great me, he eats out of my hand (sometimes my hand), and is just full of the most personality ever.

Do most puffer need Brackish?, I think those MBU puffers are so cool :p

Of all of the brackish and freshwater puffers commonly traded, a majority are freshwater. Mbu puffers are cool, but they need huge tanks. They can grow up to 2 feet.

I would definitely recommend rethinking puffers. They have the more personality than almost any fish.


Any puffers fit in a 16 gal?

Any puffers fit in a 16 gal?

I think a red eye puffer would be good, they only get to about 3-4 inches at most and are fresh water. they can be aggressive, but if you had faster inhabitants, like danos it wouldnt be able to catch them anyway. you could have a bunch of oto's to clean the algae - they have personality too if they are in groups of 3 or more.
Is the 16g US gallons or Imperial gallons? Red eye puffers would work, but they have a nasty habit of killing most fish. The only puffer that often works well in robust communities is the South American Puffer, Colomesus asellus. They would be a squeeze in a 16g though. Dwarf puffers would work well, you could have maybe 3 and a few ottos or something.

Is the 16g US gallons or Imperial gallons? Red eye puffers would work, but they have a nasty habit of killing most fish. The only puffer that often works well in robust communities is the South American Puffer, Colomesus asellus. They would be a squeeze in a 16g though. Dwarf puffers would work well, you could have maybe 3 and a few ottos or something.


My dream would be 2 puffers, 6-8 BBG and a few corys or ottos

(Sorry for Hijacking thread)
What about spiny eels? In a 500l you could get a fire eel and some other fish.
spiny eel - yeah, I like their looks, but will have to read about them some more. I once saw a peacock and I liked it very much - they need to be in little groups, right?
Also like severums :)

Yes, my wish is to have some unusual, character fish but that could live with some other fish as well. I really don't like puffers because of their aggressivnes...

I will also have a look at bichiris, they are also cool :) But I have never seen one live, only in the photos...

spiny eel - yeah, I like their looks, but will have to read about them some more. I once saw a peacock and I liked it very much - they need to be in little groups, right?
Also like severums :)

Yes, my wish is to have some unusual, character fish but that could live with some other fish as well. I really don't like puffers because of their aggressivnes...

I will also have a look at bichiris, they are also cool :) But I have never seen one live, only in the photos...


Tbh what you should do mate is go to a "DECENT" lfs that has loads of variety and watch some of the ones you have mentioned and see if you like em up close :p pictures can be very deciving lol

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