Search results

  1. big-george91

    Betta Identification

    yeap deffinately look like a pugnax it has a very nice eye
  2. big-george91

    "mp Scubaline 130" 122us Gallons Tank

    man that is stunnniiinnggg :good: keep up the gd work
  3. big-george91

    Rough Rescape Of My 55 Gallon Tank

    very nice setup :good: i would personally go for a skool of harlequin rasboras
  4. big-george91

    Heeelppp Plzzzz

    the tank is fully cycled but i dont have testing kits for the parameters the tank usually goes cloudy after water changes soo im not too worried about that but the fish jsut seem strange tehy semm sluggish or they are ahving a ard time swimming and stuff hopefully it will be out of therer system...
  5. big-george91

    Heeelppp Plzzzz

    hi everyone basically my problem is my dad was cleaning out the family fish tanks filter and the idiot used tap water to clean some the filter media without tellin anyone thinkin it would be ok once i found out i told him to do a water change now and dechlorinate the water properly! he changed...
  6. big-george91

    Gravel Cleans How Often?

    thanks everyone for the help :good:
  7. big-george91

    Gravel Cleans How Often?

    Hi everyone I regularly do water changes weekly and somtimes do gravel cleans but what i was wondering was that is it neccesary to do gravel cleans? and how often they should be done? thanks for any help
  8. big-george91

    Mikefish's Aquaria

    Reallt nice tanks and inhabitants welldone :good:
  9. big-george91

    Catfish Id

    try looking on
  10. big-george91

    Something A Little Different

    nice fish what size tank are they in?
  11. big-george91

    My Tank

    thanks everyone Bambi211 its just a long air stone but buried slightly in the gravel
  12. big-george91

    Modified Rena Aqualife 300

    really nice tank and fish well done :good:
  13. big-george91

    Oscar + Ropefish = ?

    generally oscars will eat anything that will fit in there mouths so i guess its a no
  14. big-george91

    My Tank

    thankz for the comments keep em comin anyone got any ideas for improvements
  15. big-george91

    My Tank

    thanx for the comments the tank is just over 50 gallons and i know he will need rehoming but im goin to keep him for as long as possible
  16. big-george91

    My Tank

    i guess my tank's perfect as nobody has said anything
  17. big-george91

    My Tank

    Hi everyone this my tank ive had it for a bout a year now and these pics will show some of the progress before setup after setup (not good quality pic) some of the angelfish this one is called egghead and is a recent addition my sailfin plec and golden algae eater opeline...
  18. big-george91

    My First Planted

    really nice setup :good: keep the pics coming
  19. big-george91

    Looking To Get An Algae Eater...what Kind?

    try another bristle nose but check that its stomach isnt sunken because they will probably die eventually if its sunken
  20. big-george91

    Silver Dollar

    thanks thats what i wanted to hear
  21. big-george91

    Madman-james Tank Photo's And Video :d

    really nice fish :good: u got a full tank shot plz?
  22. big-george91

    Silver Dollar

    so do these differnet species have different qualities and specs
  23. big-george91

    Silver Dollar

    hi everyone recently i was looking at silver dollars on the web and during thensearch ive seen differnt types of silver dollar some who are plain silver some which are glittery and others with red on them is there differnt types or do al the silver dollars change?
  24. big-george91

    Some Pics Of My 29g

    nice tank and fish :good: would it be possible of a full tank shot plz
  25. big-george91

    Third Time Lucky - A Set Up Im Happy With!

    nice tanks and fish are you planning on gettin any other fish?
  26. big-george91

    Planted Rio 125 - New Filter Pix

    really nice :good: looks so realistic thats definately one of the best tanks ive seen
  27. big-george91

    Gold Nugget Plec

    good luck with the plec post some pics soon plz
  28. big-george91

    Raphael Catfish

    nice fish :good: how big will it get?
  29. big-george91

    Any Ideas?

    what about a betta splenden?
  30. big-george91

    Does Anyone Know This Fish?

    sounds like it could be Monodactylus sebae or Monodactylus argenteus
  31. big-george91

    Planted Rio 125 - New Filter Pix

    really nice setup looks really natural any plans on future stocking?
  32. big-george91

    Current Fish

    post some pics plz
  33. big-george91

    Silver Dollars

    would fully growon rasboras and neon tetras be ok with young silver dollars?
  34. big-george91

    Silver Dollars

    thanks i did read about sometimes they eat small fish like neons is this true?
  35. big-george91

    Vision 180 Journal

    really nice tank good choice of fish keep up the good work
  36. big-george91

    Silver Dollars

    i was just wondering are there any fish that silver dollars dont get along with any help is much abliged
  37. big-george91

    Cory Doing Barrel Rolls

    My peppered cory keeps swimming along and then falling on his side and roll over. Does he have somthing wrong with his swim bladder or is it something else? can anyone help me
  38. big-george91

    Snakeskin Gourami

    nice fish :good: good choice cant beat a good gourami