Oscar + Ropefish = ?


New Member
Jun 27, 2008
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Well I recently just bought a new tank just for oddballs, and decided to put in a Ropefish. Hes a pretty good size, about 10 inches to say the least. I also fell in love with a Tiger Oscar, so i HAD to buy him. Hes about 4 inches long and I know these fish can reach 14+ inches in size. So I was watching YouTube and saw a video of a fully grown Oscar eating a Roefish and this troubled me. Is it really safe to keep these two together? I'll link the video as a ref. Thanks!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF9vJtvyp_k...feature=related =[
generally oscars will eat anything that will fit in there mouths so i guess its a no
sorry but from everything iv heard thats not a good idea. a guy on one of my other forums put two 6" senegals (same family as ropes and look similar too) with a tiger oscar and when the guy came back to check on them one of the sennys was bitten in half. good of you to care enough to ask though... thats shows more responsibility than some ppl even if it was an after thought :good: good luck with your fish :good:
Ack! Thats horrible >< well I went out and bought another tank for my Ropefish, gonna put him in there when its finished cycling! Thanks for the info guys, definitely wouldn't want to have a dead ropefish, they're so awesome =(
good decision, i was feeling a wee bit sick when i saw the vid, if i caught jambo doing that i would have to slap his little face to get whatever he was eating out :lol:
good decision, i was feeling a wee bit sick when i saw the vid, if i caught jambo doing that i would have to slap his little face to get whatever he was eating out :lol:

your Jambo looks cute in that picture (ur signature). oscars are one of the few cichlids i actually care for. i like rams too. hmmmm thats actually pretty cool, i might get a sig like that to show off my Jude, my Senegal :blush:
good decision, i was feeling a wee bit sick when i saw the vid, if i caught jambo doing that i would have to slap his little face to get whatever he was eating out :lol:

Yeah its a horrible video D:. But you've got an awesome oscar, hes so cute, cant wait til mine gets that big =]

Enough said? :rolleyes:
aww thankyou, he is very sweet, and is a lovely natured fish, just hates sharing thats all, hence him being the only oscar i have now :rolleyes: but honestly i would change a thing, i totally love him
shelagh xxx

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