Rough Rescape Of My 55 Gallon Tank


New Member
Jun 22, 2006
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New York, NY
After deep consideration, I finally decided to act on a deep root theme tank, at first I wasn't so sure, because I was happy with my original setup, but after a year I needed something new, something unusual :drool: ...

At the moment it only holds angelfish, their beauty and grace caught my attention recently, I never thought I would be keeping them when I started my fish keeping, they never really caught my attention until I saw my GF's angelfish grew from a dime shape fish into a stunning veil tail beauty.

So this is my rough scape at the moment, it's not finalized yet, and the Terminalia catappa were just placed in, once they sink they should provide a more natural realistic floor and it should be a little more lit up, right now their floating around and blocking the source of light. Again this is only a rough scape, kind of hard to scape with alot of these branchy manzanita wood.

I'm still considering what to add besides my angelfish, I want a school of small fish. I was thinking either a school of Cardinal Tetras (Paracheirodon axelrodi) or a school of rasboras either Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) / Glo-Lite Rasbora (Trigonostigma hengeli). Though there are some nicely sized cardinal tetras available at my LFS, the rasboras on the other hand doesn't look that nice. But I'm leaning towards rasboras, so for the moment I'll hold off on what to add.

Before :


After :






very nice setup :good:

i would personally go for a skool of harlequin rasboras
After deep consideration, I finally decided to act on a deep root theme tank, at first I wasn't so sure, because I was happy with my original setup, but after a year I needed something new, something unusual :drool: ...

At the moment it only holds angelfish, their beauty and grace caught my attention recently, I never thought I would be keeping them when I started my fish keeping, they never really caught my attention until I saw my GF's angelfish grew from a dime shape fish into a stunning veil tail beauty.

So this is my rough scape at the moment, it's not finalized yet, and the Terminalia catappa were just placed in, once they sink they should provide a more natural realistic floor and it should be a little more lit up, right now their floating around and blocking the source of light. Again this is only a rough scape, kind of hard to scape with alot of these branchy manzanita wood.

I'm still considering what to add besides my angelfish, I want a school of small fish. I was thinking either a school of Cardinal Tetras (Paracheirodon axelrodi) or a school of rasboras either Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) / Glo-Lite Rasbora (Trigonostigma hengeli). Though there are some nicely sized cardinal tetras available at my LFS, the rasboras on the other hand doesn't look that nice. But I'm leaning towards rasboras, so for the moment I'll hold off on what to add.

Like the new look. Are you doing anything special to anchor the wood? Or does it just sit there nicely? Where did you get the wood from?

Looking forward to more pics with more light!
wow it looks awesome, the finished scape will look great.

i have harlequin rasbora. very very peaceful, just play tag with each other occassionally but never nip fins. school really well, and very very hardy. they don't get very big though so might be less noticeable beside your angels once they are full grown. they are also very quick voracious eaters. might make it difficult for the angels to get food. they make it difficult for my female betta, and cherry barb..but they seem to get enough still
Like the new look. Are you doing anything special to anchor the wood? Or does it just sit there nicely? Where did you get the wood from?

Looking forward to more pics with more light!

It's Manzanita Wood, it's actually an stubborn wood unlike the malaysian driftwood I had , it floats and I had to waterlog it in a huge bucket of water for a little over a WEEK with rocks on top of it to keep it submerged. Right now they "gently" hold themselves under water, they don't really sink heavy/fast. I'm burrowing the ends into the substrate which is helping a bit at the moment keeping them in place, not doing anything special to anchor besides that.
very very nice, would make for a great frame to a channa set up, :drool:

Ahhhh... :shout: ...Frankenfish!

wow it looks awesome, the finished scape will look great.

i have harlequin rasbora. very very peaceful, just play tag with each other occassionally but never nip fins. school really well, and very very hardy. they don't get very big though so might be less noticeable beside your angels once they are full grown. they are also very quick voracious eaters. might make it difficult for the angels to get food. they make it difficult for my female betta, and cherry barb..but they seem to get enough still

I'm kind of want the rasbora species because I had them before and they always swim back and forth in a nice school, and I would LOVE to see them swim back and forth through the roots :drool: , however I made a amazon root theme, and rasboras isn't from the amazon :crazy: . I'm hesitant to get cardinals because I think they will just scatter. I might just break that amazon theme :shifty: .
Great work, these darker tanks are really starting to grow on me. They look so natural. Nice rescape!
i thought cardinals were supposed to be really good schoolers also?

but yea it might be tough to beat halequins for schooling.
Thanks for all the comments :good:

Here is a couple more shots with a little bit more light, a couple more leaves sank. Didn't change anything yet.





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