Silver Dollar


Fish Fanatic
Oct 11, 2007
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hi everyone

recently i was looking at silver dollars on the web and during thensearch ive seen differnt types of silver dollar some who are plain silver some which are glittery and others with red on them is there differnt types or do al the silver dollars change?
hi, i used to have some silver dollars and as far as i know there is only 1 type, they get glittery as they get bigger and the males have red fins, they like to eat plants so use fake plants unless you want to keep buying plants.
here is a link for a site on the silver dollar.
hope that helps
There are a number of species of tetra that look like silver dollars. The common species (Metynnis argentius) is silver all over, but there is one called a red hook pacu (Myleus rubripinnis) that looks similar but with a red anal fin.
There is also Metynnis hypsaucheri & M. lippincottianus that are silver all over and Mylossoma duriventre that has a red edge to the anal fin. There are other species too including some in the piranha group that look round and silver when young.
so do these differnet species have different qualities and specs
I believe their are over 40 species, taking in the pacu's and piranha but their are only a hand full or predatory fish in the family.

Red hook, black bar's and silver dolla's are the most common your see (well what i see in the UK) and all are vegetarian, i feen then on hikari cichlid and cat fish pellets and they do very well, but due to their size and wanting to plenty of space these all need large tanks.

All are quite skittish, so also like it quite and don't like very active fish in with them.

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