Silver Dollars


Fish Fanatic
Oct 11, 2007
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i was just wondering are there any fish that silver dollars dont get along with

any help is much abliged
IME no they pretty much get on with most fish i have mine in a general commiunity tank with no problems wotsoever :)

but they do prefer been in groups!!!

thanks i did read about sometimes they eat small fish like neons is this true?
They would eat small fish under 2" long with a thin body profile, but that is just because they can and its extra protein, as opposed to them being actively predatory.
They are non-aggressive and very few fish find something in them to argue with. But as said above, they do need groups.
would fully growon rasboras and neon tetras be ok with young silver dollars?
for the time being yes and maybe when he's older 2 but u just have 2 be aware that he could start 2 end eating the neons but that u will find out in time :p

but... again SD's need 2 really be in groups of say 4 or more i have 2 living very happily but im gonna get a couple more just 2 make them even happier :)


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