Heeelppp Plzzzz


Fish Fanatic
Oct 11, 2007
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hi everyone

basically my problem is my dad was cleaning out the family fish tanks filter and the idiot used tap water to clean some the filter media without tellin anyone thinkin it would be ok once i found out i told him to do a water change now and dechlorinate the water properly! he changed the water but the water has remmained cloudy and some of the fish seem to be ill or dying so far we have had only two casualties but there quite a few who dont seem right is there anythin i can do to help them? is it to late now that theres probabaly chlorine in there systems? the heaviestly affected seems to be the smaller fish wid the larger fish seemingly ok

plzzz help

thank you
Keep an eye on water parameters, ammonia & nitrites in particular. Feed the fish about 1/3 normal, less food means less waste produced. Depending on how thoroughly he cleaned the media and how long the tank has been cycled there may be just a bit of die back, or there may be major damage.

I run straight tap water into my tanks as they are drilled with overflows for just this reason. Once the overflows are done draining I add dechlorinator. No damage to fish with a variety of species & ages.
the tank is fully cycled but i dont have testing kits for the parameters the tank usually goes cloudy after water changes soo im not too worried about that but the fish jsut seem strange tehy semm sluggish or they are ahving a ard time swimming and stuff hopefully it will be out of therer system by the morning

thanks for ur help

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