My First Planted

Hi Guys,

Last night the football was boring so I decided to do some work on the tank, cleaned the front glass that I hadn't cleaned in about 3 weeks and trimmed some plants. Last Saturday I purchased some plants also which I can't remember the names now so I will post the names of those later on. The plant on the right hand side (Limnophila) as taken a very big trim yesterday so looks a little low now, it will grow back up in a couple of weeks.
Other than the couple of extra plants added not much as changed really, its just growing very well, and the glosso is getting thicker by the week, didn't realyl want to go through the pain of replanting it again but looks like I will have to do it sooner rather than later.
Enough tank and here as some photos :)

Full Tank Shots:


Moss wall looking good also:

The glosso:


Other shots:



Never had much success with hair grass, so thought I would give it another go:

Comments and critics are always welcomed :) thanks for looking
Just another quick update since the water was so clear today! Was checking the camera after cleaning it and took some more photos. The plants I couldn't remember the names last time were as follows:

Added over the last two weeks:
Staurogyne sp.
Nesaea Pedicellata
Rotala Rotundifolia
Limnophila Heterophylia
Eleocharis Acicularis

Removed last week:
Rotala sp. ''Nanjenshan'' (Mayaca)

Think I will stop adding plants now and move on to the 54l that is cycling, this one just needs to grow now and be enjoyed. I am almost happy with this one, not sure what I will do when it gets to a point that there isn't more I can do with it. Don't really want to re-scape it either, might just try to maintain it the way it is and just move the plants around as they grow.

Full tank shot:

Top of the tank:

Bottom half:

Spiky Moss growing very well and algae free:

Glosso, also algae free:

One of my lovely corries:

One of my Rainbows:

Also I have noticed over the last week that the plants are all pearling like never before, might have been due to the increase on CO2 when I introduced the L. Aromatica.

Comments and critics always welcomed :)
Just another quick update, plant wise nothing as changed just moved a couple of things around and gave most of them a good trim. What I have added this week was a couple of rocks and a piece of redmoor wood.
I like the colour of these rocks thats the reason I went for them so will see what you guys tink about it, not 100% sure on position yet but I didn't want to move too many things to get them in for the time being.
Also this week gave the glosso a good trim, its not looking its best after that but I hope it will just fill back in again, trying that first before tanking the step of replanting it all.

Here is the tank last week:

Here is the tank today:

Small rock under the moss:

Close up of smaller rock:

Top of the larger rock:

Large rock:

Comments and critics always welcome :)
The pictures and tank are really beautiful.
Lovely work
Simply a breath-taking aquarium..!!

Whats this plant, gotta get myself some of that... :good:


EDIT: Its ok I managed to find some images on google so I know that it is Limnophilia Aromatica. Beautiful stuff.
ONe of the best planted tanks I've seen in a long time. Its good to see it develope some times i think those stunning amano style tanks are just planted photoed then rescapped so your never sure how well the tank is actully working. But not with yours

Keep it up :D
Simply a breath-taking aquarium..!!
Whats this plant, gotta get myself some of that... :good:
EDIT: Its ok I managed to find some images on google so I know that it is Limnophilia Aromatica. Beautiful stuff.
Many thanks, and yes it is the Limnophyllia Aromatica, its growing pretty well at the moment, got that off a forum member and since then have sent clippings to other too, really like this plant.

ONe of the best planted tanks I've seen in a long time. Its good to see it develope some times i think those stunning amano style tanks are just planted photoed then rescapped so your never sure how well the tank is actully working. But not with yours
Keep it up :D
Many thanks, I am not really into constant rescape, don't have the time of money for that lol I like to see things growing over time and trying to maintain it and keep things looking good as it matures. Its been a slow journey but I am happy with the outcome so far :)
Gives me an oportunity to see how plants mature, what kind of prunning and requirements they need in the long run and its a nice learning experience, reading forums on the web and peoples feedback as really helped a lot too.
it is the Limnophyllia Aromatica, its growing pretty well at the moment, got that off a forum member and since then have sent clippings to other too, really like this plant.

Well if there are any more clippings and cuttings, I'd be able to offer a good home. That will fit perfectly into my Rio 125..... :good:
Hi guys just a quick update, things are looking up, things are growing faster and faster in the tank and I see so much pearling now even the mosses are pearling lol, this week added some Monosolenium Tenerum (Pellia) and Fissidens splachnobryoides (which later found out is non-aquatic so will see how this does, the amano shrimp seem to love it).
Decided to trim the glosso again this week, trimmed it just over a week ago to test and it grew back pretty quick and stong so this week gave it another proper trim see how it reacts this time, hopefully by next week it will be looking lush again.
Also decided to try one more stone on the right side of the Blyxa, really like this mini landscape rock :)

Tank last week:

Here is the tank today:

Spiky moss in the center:

Close up of the glosso, in the middle the two new additions:

Another close up of the glosso:

The hairgrass is growing nicely for the first time in my tank:

Separated and replanted the Staurogyne sp.:

New addition to the tank, was too fast and this is the best shot I could get, will try another soon:

My rainbow:

Comments and critics always welcome, thanks for looking :)
Just some photos of the tank, the L. Aromatica is growing pretty nicely, I think I am going to move things around and plant it to fill that left hand corner completly. and maybe move the anubias which are behind it to the front and see how it looks.
Also the Blyxa is looking great, the Skipy moss took a huge trim the other day when I sent out to 4 board members now needs to grow back again, still plenty there though. The Lilly is shooting new leaves on a daily basis at the moment.

Over the past 2 weeks I have been running 6x24w T5 on this tank just to see how it reacts to high levels of light, I have increased the CO2 slightly and also the ferts to cope with the extra light. So far I am seeing great results, specially from the L. Aromatica and the Glosso is growing ever more compact afer the trim I gave it a couple of weeks ago.

Some photos:



Critics and comments always welcomed, thanks for looking :)

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