Search results

  1. N

    Found Tiny White Eggs...what Are They?

    I think you could be right, i had a feeling they were up to something!! they were going crazy last night, normally they shuffle along the bottom but last night they were all over the tank acting very strange. How long do they normally take to hatch and what should i do with them until they...
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    Found Tiny White Eggs...what Are They?

    I have noticed what look like a cluster of tiny white eggs attached to the side of my tank. could they be eggs and if so from what!!!
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    How Do I Treat New Driftwood?

    thanks for that. What would you suggest to anchor it? Something simple that can be hidden in a sand substrate would be great.
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    Pregnant Guppies

    Could you upload a picture of your pregnant guppies. I think mine are but not sure, how can you actually tell? It would be good to compare
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    How Do I Treat New Driftwood?

    I would be interested to know the answer to this too as iv'e jsut found 3 lovely pieces on the beach
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    Well i got them working, bought the adapter this afternoon from Argos. They are looking lovely, will be even better when it gets darker. I bought the cold cathode moonlights from ebay (6.99)
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    I 've recieved my moonlights this morning from the seller that you mentioned on ebay. Not too sure as to how to fit them though. What adapter do i need and how do i attatch them to the hood of my jewel tank? Anybody any ideas?
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    Iv'e order these exact ones from this seller yesterday. I haven't received them yet and can't wait.
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    Sorry Another Nitrite Question

    Carried out a 25% water change yesterday, tested again this morning and the nitrite reading is still 0.5. Could it be the plants, they not doing very well. Could this be due to the nitrite levels and would it help if i remove them all? The tank is being well airated, iv'e read that fish find...
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    Sorry Another Nitrite Question

    The one thing i did notice there was quite a bit of fish droppings underneath a rock. The rock is hollow underneath and the dropping were trpped in there. I'm imagining this could be the problem, what do you think? Iv'e now filled the hole with new filter sponge to stop the dirt getting...
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    Sorry Another Nitrite Question

    I did a 25% water change last night and this morning the nitrite is now reading between 0.5 and 1.5. what else can i do? there are no dead fish & food has been eaten in a matter of minutes. I didn't feed them yesterday and won't today either to see if this helps the level drop. What else can...
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    Female Betta With 'popeye'

    An update, my betta died. Unfortunately i couldnt find her for two days, i looked under a large rock i have in the tank and she was there with the crab. Since then my nitrite level has increased steadily to 0.5 tested again today Could this be a result of the betta? any suggestions on how...
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    Sorry Another Nitrite Question

    No that Molly died a while ago now. Iv'e done another reading and my nitrite has now gone up to 0.5. should i do a water change, increase airation??? Help
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    Sorry Another Nitrite Question

    It could be going through a mini cycle due to the trace of amonia and now the nitrite, what do you think? The tank has been up and running for about 7 months now and all sats where normal up until a couple of weeks ago. Iv'e struggled with my pH being to low for a few weeks along with my amonia...
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    Sorry Another Nitrite Question

    I'm a little confused as to what to do with my water stats. pH = 7-7.5 Nitrite = 0.25 A few weeks ago my amonia was up, not sure of the level as the lfs tested it and he said there was only a trace. Tested nitrites today and the level is 0.25. Its been like this for 2 days a little less on...
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    Female Betta With 'popeye'

    Its a Shark ADV internal filter, i treated the water after i changed it.
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    Female Betta With 'popeye'

    My female Betta has developed 'Popeye', I first noticed it last night. I've added Interpet Anti Internal Bacteria Medicine to the tank this morning this is the 2nd dose the first dose was administered 4 days ago when my guppy died of dropsy. am i doing this right, is there anything else i can...
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    Betta Girls With Bloated Tummies.

    Mine is exactly the same, is there anything i should do? Whats going to happen next? She is in a 190lt community tank with another male
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    Bloated Betta, Guppy With!

    What is the differnce between white spot and the cotton wool like spots r there any pictures showing both these?
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    Bloated Betta, Guppy With!

    They're all in my signature
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    Bloated Betta, Guppy With!

    It's going to be Monday now, is there anything i can do other than meds until i get to the Lfs shop?
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    Bloated Betta, Guppy With!

    It's going to be Monday now, is there anything i can do other than meds until i get to the Lfs shop?
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    New Fish Dying

    No, your confusing me with someone else. Parasites??? What do you suggest?
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    Bloated Betta, Guppy With!

    The guppy unfortunately died this morning from dropsy. i have live plants newly planted though. i'm gonna do another water change today, iv'e been doing 3 to 4 a week 25% each time. Cant get to the lfs until Monday now. The white are very much like little white specks across the fins and a...
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    White Spot - Help Plz..

    Iv'e recently addd new fish, this may have been the problem. since then i've been ahving trouble with my stats also
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    White Spot - Help Plz..

    Teh reason i'm asking is because i think a couple of mine are developing it and i wanted to make sure that's what it is.
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    White Spot - Help Plz..

    are there any pictures available showing white spot?
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    Oh No...

    Is this 'Silver' medication available in the UK? Plus do the fish need to be isolated to treat or can you treat the whole tank? I have aguppy with dropsy and a female betta witha swollen stomach although her fins aren't sticking out.
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    Bloated Betta, Guppy With!

    I'm struggling with my water quality at the moment, doing daily water changes to help and gonna test again today. these were my stats: Ph 6.4 Ammonia 0ppm Nitrite 0.25 Nitrate 80 Iv'e lost a few guppies recently and now one of them has develpoed what i think is dropsy he also has developed...
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    New Fish Dying

    I removed 25% of the water as i would when doing a regular water change plus about 80% of the gravel at eh same time. I filled it back up again once i had put the new sand in and plants with tap water treated with stress coat and brought upto temperature
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    New Fish Dying

    Iv'e had the tank 4 months now and previous readings were good. Its jsut since i bought more fish and changed from gravel to sand with real plants that the readings have altered.
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    A Few Pics Of My Tank

    does it change the colour of the water?
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    My First Betta! (pics)

    Is it OK to add another male betta into the tank or would they fight?
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    Swollen Belly On A Tiger Barb

    Is there any medication that could have be given?
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    New Fish Dying

    I've done a 25% water change but what about feeding, they haven't been fed for 2 days now should i feed them or lay off for another day? Plus when is the best time to retest the water after a water change?
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    New Fish Dying

    I'm not sure of the nitrite readings of my tap water as i took a sample to a friends house to test as i don't have the testing kit yet. I'm going to do a water change of 25% to see if this helps
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    New Fish Dying

    I'm watching my fish and most of them if not all seem to be flicking themselves against the plants and ornaments. Is this due to being irritated by the conditions or something else. the fish that unfortunatleyu did die didn't look unhealthy, one day they seemed fine the next they were dead...
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    Fish Dying

    I changed to sand Friday, did another water change on sunday also cleaning the filter media with the old tank water as it was really blocked up. The lfs said my tank would hold a lot more fish than i already have. Would daily water changes be enough?
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    Fish Dying

    Yes the tank was cycled, iv'e had it 4 months now. I forgot to add that i changed the gravel substrate over to sand and added plants. the new fish i've added within the last week were: 1 crab 6 tetras 2 fighting fish 1 tiny plec 2 platties 6 Guppies