My First Betta! (pics)


Fish Addict
Dec 23, 2005
Reaction score
Iv'e been waiting over a month and finally he is here only £5 from the lfs, I named him FABLE
I don't know too much can you tell me about him e.g fin type and colours :p
He is a bit camera shy so here he is!

Gorjus isn't he!


And this is his house :p

Little problem i put a pair of tights over the filter to stop the current, but there is still a small current coming through..
Any suggestions?
Comments Please :p -_- :hyper: :fun:
Hi,other people would know more about this, but a small current isn't too bad, i think they don't like the wavey currents because it is hard for them to swim. but a little bit of one won't hurt your fish. my three all have filters and i don't block the filters with anything, and they all seem to enjoy it fine.
Hey, give it a little time, most of the posters are at school or have jobs. This is not a high time for posting. Your betta is very pretty. He looks like a marble multi-color Veil tale to me, but I could be wrong.

As far as reducing the current, if he's swimming fine, then that little bit should be alright. Nice home too. Sorry it took me awhile to figure out was the blob on the left was, but it's your hose-covered filter. :lol:
Is that an onion plant or a valis?
Thanks :),
You like the betta :)
Vallis- It grows perfectly in all of my tanks :)
Hi - guess you're on half term!
He is a lovely Betta, a veiltail and very pretty. When he has settled if he hides all the time the current may be too strong for him but most of them can cope with the small filters. You can put an ornament in front of the outlet pipe to baffle the flow if it is too much for him.
nice betta i also have the same filter as you but i put the head over the water line so it dont make the current very strong and i also face the filter towards the glass as u can rotate the top
How many gallon is that tank???
Is it a corner filter? Like the other poster said you can tilt it toward a wall, or towards the bottom, or tie a knot in the airline to cut the flow if it bothers him...add some plants around it if you have to, but generally if he seemes ok prob is.
One of mine likes to ride the current from one of those that empty into the tank and the other one I got a pump filter and he was attacking the bubbles. That had to change so I got him a little bitty plastic box type filter which I call "the little engine who could" as it putters along. He likes to investigate it but doesn't seem to mind. I have it now so he can go behind it which he likes as he's so curious.
Put the head to the back now and put a sponge over it hardly any current, he was hiding hope it makes a diff :D
He's super cute! I love the excitement of bringing home that first fish! :D
Is it OK to add another male betta into the tank or would they fight?

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