Female Betta With 'popeye'


Fish Fanatic
Dec 4, 2005
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My female Betta has developed 'Popeye', I first noticed it last night. I've added Interpet Anti Internal Bacteria Medicine to the tank this morning this is the 2nd dose the first dose was administered 4 days ago when my guppy died of dropsy.

am i doing this right, is there anything else i can do. I also did a 25-50% water change on Monday.

Sats are:
Nitrite - Zero
pH 6.4
Trace of Amonia

Since doing a water change on Monday my water turned cloudy yesterday coul dthis be a result of the water change.
My female Betta has developed 'Popeye', I first noticed it last night. I've added Interpet Anti Internal Bacteria Medicine to the tank this morning this is the 2nd dose the first dose was administered 4 days ago when my guppy died of dropsy.

am i doing this right, is there anything else i can do. I also did a 25-50% water change on Monday.

Sats are:
Nitrite - Zero
pH 6.4
Trace of Amonia

Since doing a water change on Monday my water turned cloudy yesterday coul dthis be a result of the water change.

what kind of filtration do you have in there and did you treat the water you replaced?

If the water is cloudy then it COULD be a mini cycle in operation........
My female Betta has developed 'Popeye', I first noticed it last night. I've added Interpet Anti Internal Bacteria Medicine to the tank this morning this is the 2nd dose the first dose was administered 4 days ago when my guppy died of dropsy.

am i doing this right, is there anything else i can do. I also did a 25-50% water change on Monday.

Sats are:
Nitrite - Zero
pH 6.4
Trace of Amonia

Since doing a water change on Monday my water turned cloudy yesterday coul dthis be a result of the water change.

what kind of filtration do you have in there and did you treat the water you replaced?

If the water is cloudy then it COULD be a mini cycle in operation........

Its a Shark ADV internal filter, i treated the water after i changed it.
My female Betta has developed 'Popeye', I first noticed it last night. I've added Interpet Anti Internal Bacteria Medicine to the tank this morning this is the 2nd dose the first dose was administered 4 days ago when my guppy died of dropsy.

am i doing this right, is there anything else i can do. I also did a 25-50% water change on Monday.

Sats are:
Nitrite - Zero
pH 6.4
Trace of Amonia

Since doing a water change on Monday my water turned cloudy yesterday coul dthis be a result of the water change.

what kind of filtration do you have in there and did you treat the water you replaced?

If the water is cloudy then it COULD be a mini cycle in operation........

Its a Shark ADV internal filter, i treated the water after i changed it.

did you clean the filter out at the same time as the tank and if so how did you wash the media?
Need extra aeration with a med, could be the med, that why you need to run an airstone.
An update, my betta died. Unfortunately i couldnt find her for two days, i looked under a large rock i have in the tank and she was there with the crab.

Since then my nitrite level has increased steadily to 0.5 tested again today Could this be a result of the betta?

any suggestions on how to reduce it?

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