Bloated Betta, Guppy With!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 4, 2005
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I'm struggling with my water quality at the moment, doing daily water changes to help and gonna test again today.

these were my stats:
Ph 6.4
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0.25
Nitrate 80

Iv'e lost a few guppies recently and now one of them has develpoed what i think is dropsy he also has developed a sore through night. Iv'e also noticed that my female betta has a swollen stomach and iv'e seen a couple of my platties with what looks like white spots or flecks dotted over there tail and fins.

What is happening, how can i stop any more casualties? :sad:

I wont be able to test my water until later on tonight either
Definatly continue with the water changes with dechlorinator as the nitrite will not be helping your fish in slightest- do you have any healthy live plants in the tank? Adding proper live aquarium plants to the tank will help lower the nitrates as plants will help take them up, preferably you should have your nitrates at 40 or below :thumbs: .
How large are the white spots on the fish? Sounds like whitespot/ich desease to me unfortunatly.
What does the sore look like exactly on the fish i.e its texture, color plus anything attached to it like slimey looking cottony growths attached to it? Do you know if you can get hold of a med called "Pimafix" near you?
Sadly you have a bacterial infection in the tank the sores and ulcers.

Plus in the dots look like grains of salt you have whitespot too, i would medicate for the whitespot first clear that up, good luck.
The guppy unfortunately died this morning from dropsy. i have live plants newly planted though. i'm gonna do another water change today, iv'e been doing 3 to 4 a week 25% each time. Cant get to the lfs until Monday now. The white are very much like little white specks across the fins and a little on the body of about 1/4 of the fish. Is this contagious. Plus what about the dropsy is that contagious too.
Dropsy can be contagious if other fish nibbled on the dead one's body. However, most times it won't spread from live fish through live fish.

Ich is definately contagious, as you have noticed by tne number of fish with white spots. I would get to the LFS asap to begin treatment ASAP.
It's going to be Monday now, is there anything i can do other than meds until i get to the Lfs shop?
It's going to be Monday now, is there anything i can do other than meds until i get to the Lfs shop?
THere really isn't much you an do. Adding salt can help, but your corries and plec cannot tollerate the salt. The temperature is also another catch 22. Turning it down will hlep slow down the bacteria, however it will also extend the life cycle of ich, which are only able to be destroyed by the meds in one of their 4 life cycle stages. So there really isn't anything.
What is the differnce between white spot and the cotton wool like spots r there any pictures showing both these?
cotton wool is a bacterial infection caused by the bacteria columnaris. Ich is a disease that is caused by a parasite. Ich looks like little grains of salt or sand. Columnaris looks like little bits of fungus/cotton balls. It can also show up as a white lip, white patches, open sores, or ulcers.

This page has all sorts of pictures of different fish illnesses.

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