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  1. C

    Fish Game #8

    Is it a cyprinid?
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    Upgrading Co2

    This is my existing co2 system here. I want to upgrade, but dont really know how to set up a new system. Should I upgrade? Or should I stay with the existing system? I want something in the range of say 100-150 dollars, a little more wont matter.
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    Ethos' Nano Diary

    I would invest in a cleanup crew, atleast some turbos. Maybe some shrimp for x-mas?
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    Aquarium Glass Cleaners

    I do the same exact thing. :o Execpt take out the floor part of it.
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    What Do You Think?

    No BalckKnife they get to large and it depends on the cichlids if you can keep the angels, as for the eels, Im not sure.
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    Looking For A Pleco

    That is true, I want something with color. I thought about a gold nugget, but the price is a little much, but Ill check out what you suggested yvez. But would a gold nugget work? I know there is a 6 inch version out in my tank? Also does the bristlenose eat plants? My tank is well planted, the...
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    Full Growen Jewel

    When my Jewel gets full growen, possibly even 4 inches can I feed it feeder guppys now and then?
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    Show Me Your Car!

    Ahh so many asian cars, I hate them so much. As for me I drive a 99' green chevy cavalier. I dont like it, Im a truck guy myself, plan on getting on buying a truck when Im 18.
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    Looking For A Pleco

    Its all in my sig, one jewel and 5 danios, read my sig. Thats what I figured, 4-6 inches, but 2 bristlenose plecs might be the way to go, and plus I know to four inch fish doent make it ok for an 8 inch fish, dont think Im a noobie :/
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    What Fish?

    The 1 inch per gallon isnt a rule, its a guideline. I think 10 would be fine.
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    Filter Options For 120 Gal

    I would get both a HOB and a cansiter, but thats me I like to over do it. I would for the canister go for a magnum, and for a HOB an emperor 400, there both top of the line.
  12. C

    "proper" Attachment.

    Actually Ive never been upset when my fish have died, I kinda dont care that much. I was upset when my dog died, but that much different, there only relation to fins is being considered pets. But whatever floats your boat.
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    Hmmmmmmm Who’s Right Me Or Lfs

    In my experence its the independent stores that are better, knowledge wise, in fact my favorvite store only hires people with experence and keeps any agressive and rare fishes in the back, and you can only get them if you ask. Fir the most part most have experence and very few dont now nothing...
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    Looking For A Pleco

    So a pleco up to 8 inches will be fine in my 20 long?
  15. C

    Your Best Tropical Fish

    Defintly clown loaches, wish I had room, and was allowed to have a tank large enough for some had to give mine up to a friend becasue a 20 long isnt big enough for them, by far.
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    Looking For A Pleco

    I knew that but I thought maybe there was a surprise out there... yea its going in my 20.
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    Is It Too Much?

    I do have c02, and I got the lighting for plants, its a well planted tank, and btw you have my dream, 13 clown loaches, that is awesome. As for otos I have a jewel cichlid in my tank, I dont think otos could survive when he gets older.
  18. C

    Take Four Fish.

    Zebra Danio (Danio rerio) $.70 Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens) $2.50 Red Tailed Black Shark (Epalzeorhynchus bicolor) $5.99 Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) $.99 And Im from Warren, Michigan
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    Looking For A Pleco

    I want somethig that can fit in my tank, and be able to exist with a jewel. I know must plecos can because their tough fish, but I want something that is somewhat colorful, doesnt cost much, and doesnt produce so much waste, and keep up with the algue, possible? Give me ur opinions, it doesnt...
  20. C

    Is It Too Much?

    lol I knew algue would become a problem, I probaly should get a pleco. As for heat, no it isnt heating up the tank. For the k rating, 65 watts 6500, and 65 watts 10000.
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    Is It Too Much?

    I just purchased a corallife aqualight double strip, with 130 watts. Is it too much or just right?
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    How Old Is Everyone?

    Im Irish too, not just irish but root for my favorvite team, notre dame woot woot.
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    What's The Most You've Paid For A Fish?

    Nothing, the fish just wasnt worth the money, I wasnt impressed, they were cuckattos, which many will agree are great fish, dont get me wrong they are colorful, but my rams had more personality, so I want that route.
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    What's The Most You've Paid For A Fish?

    Im glad my friend works at a lfs, he sneaks me fish or gives me really good deals, but the most Ive paid was 10 dollars, and it was not worth it.
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    British Display Better?

    Im from the United States and my stand is nice, ofcourse it isnt made for holding tanks but it can hold the weight so it works out perfectly. I havent really seen a diffence between stands betweem the states and britain.
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    How Did You Discover Tff ?

    I was surfing the net for fish stuff, , seen a fishforum, clicked on it, and it looked like a nice forum, and here we are. Actaully I have seen another forum for sw community, I forget the name but its a huge compared to TFF.
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    Hey Guys Im New , Starting A Freshwater Stingray Tank , Here Is A Li

    Freshwater white sand is made for freshwater, Ive had mine for almost a year now, with no problems. As for stringrays, their expensive, and I believe a 55 gallon is way to small for them.
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    My M8 Has A Question

    I thought the same thing. You have to get rid of fish, and not add any.
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    Where Are You From ?

    Im from the United States of America, southest michigan to be particular.
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    Upgraded My Lighting

    I bought a 24 inch T-5 unit for my tank, though its 30 watts, I am still using my other light which is only 20 watts. Come the start of december I will upgrade my 20 watt lighting to a 65 watt watt lighting with leg mounts. Im pumped to buy some plants.
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    How Old Is Everyone?

    Im 16. -_-
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    100 Gallon Tank

    lol well my comparsion to the friend concept was a joke, but I guess it has no affect, so it was a joke, I thought it was obvious.
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    Yesss! The Day Has Come!

    Was old name was frank3333. I would go for the sev, but then again I like cons too, its would be a hard decision if it were mine. Nice tanks btw.
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    New 38 Gallon Tank

    A red tail shark is fine for a 38 gallon. But if you want just togers and yoyos make it 12 tigers and like 6 yoyos.
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    Defintly black tetra.
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    Power Cuts

    But keeping the filter media wet would keep the bacteria alive. I dont really have power outages around where I live so no worries, the only time I even had a power outage the last 5 years was the massive blackout that consumed the northeast a couple years ago.
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    What Kind Of Person Enjoys Fishkeeping?

    1. What started you fishkeeping? What really got me started was a friend who had tanks and a bowl and 2 goldfish thhat were given to me. I upgraded to a 5 gallon, and I became very interested in the hobby, and started to explore what else there was besides goldfish, and like it. Plus my friend...
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    Heating For A 2.5 Gallon

    Ive seen heaters for tank 5 gallon and below at my lfs, but I dont know how many watts it was. I image they sell them else where.
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    New 38 Gallon Tank

    I think the loaches are a good choice, but this coming from someone whos favorvite type of fish is a loach. As for stocking Id maybe lower the barbs to 6-8 and it should be fine.
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    Power Cuts

    Wouldnt doing water changes every few hours be a good solution to a long power outage? You can keep the water clean and warm.