What Fish?


New Member
Nov 17, 2005
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I've just got a new 15 US gallon tank (which is still cycling), and have been promised 10 neon tetras to go in it.

Could someone tell me what other fish I could get to happily live with them?
Hello and welcome to the forum. :hi:

Ten neons is pretty close to a full fish load for a 15 gallon. That's about 15 to 20 inches of fish. Most other community fish are also schooling fish so you would need at least 3 and preferable 6 which would almost definitely put you overstocked unless you are very over filtered.
I don't have to take all of the neons, some could go to other homes, but thanks anyway.
10 is fine add some fish like cory or some shrimp which is my fravoit to that tank would looks really nice.
Actually, Neons (not jumbo's) only grow to about an inch, plus they create very little bio load, which means they do not qualify for the 1" per gallon rule.
You could take all the neons, and still have a little room left, possibly for another small tetra?
Go to your LFS and eye some of your favorites..
Some live plants a shrimp maybe some tiger barbs i like them they are colorfull fish and might look nice with your tetras.
Some live plants a shrimp maybe some tiger barbs i like them they are colorfull fish and might look nice with your tetras.

Tiger Barbs are known to be fin nippers unless kept in a shoal of 6-8. 15 gallon isn't large enough for a school of Tiger Barbs. Live plants, except for the low light variety, aren't recommended for beginners, as the plants have their own requirements.

I agree with Ethos that you could "stretch" the inch per gallon rule with Neons. With 8 Neons, you still have room for either 6-8 Cherry Barbs or 5-6 Harlequin Rasboras. 6-8 Zebra Danios are also an option.

BTW, add the fish SLOWLY, just few per week. Also add the Neons LAST. Neons are quite fragile, and most won't survive in a new aquarium too long.
10 neons and 5 otos or dwarf corys would work well. A small piece of driftwood with some java moss and java fern or anubias attached would be a good addition as well to make everyone more comfortable.

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