Ethos' Nano Diary

Sounds like diatoms....before you add your cleanup crew, if you want some recs, need some params posted. SH
Hmhm...I think I'll go to petco and get a test done.
I just spent $40 on a FW test kit, my parent's wont be happy, opr even let me get another one.
I've been looking at Metal Malahides or something like that, and I have yet found one that fits a 20"?
What should I ask for for christmas?
My parents are set on getting me a hood cover for christmas, otherwise I they have no idea what I want.
I don't really either, stuff for my Nano.
I want to ask for more LR, I can get that as soon as I have money - which I get from family. They won't spend more than $250, so whats a good thing to ask for?
Slow is one thing...metal halides are expensive and you might want to build up to it. If not, 70-150MH pendant would work. You might want to just stick with PC lighting for now and ask your parents for the money for corals. SH
Should most corals be ok with regular lighting?
What am I waiting for to get the clean up crew now? I see some brown grass, and some green hairs coming from the LR, plus alittle brown discoloration.
Should I be doing water changes now too?
I just noticed a ton of hair algae.
I'm going to call around today and ask who does free SW tests. I might get that done today.
I've noticed 2 tubular objects ontop of a peice of LR.
They seem to be solid objects, but I'm not sure. What is this?
Plus the questions above still remian, unanswered.
Thanks, Ethos
Just because I'm sure you haven't read the whole thread, I won't spaz. If you did read the whole thread, than you should under stand that I'm already just waiting.
My questions still remain from the posts above!!

Here are some dearly wanted photos!

In this picture, it looks pretty darn empty, I dunno why. It looks fuller in person..

Brown Hair algae(?)

Greeness on my LR

From the filter, this just shows you how light the sand is!

Cute little clam..


Mini tunnel on LR
I need glasses....does that cam have a macro setting? Looks very light on LR. SH
Sorry SH, I don't think it does.
My questions still remain -
What are the tubular objects ontop of a peice of LR?
Should I be doing water changes now?
What exactly am I waiting for now, again?
How long did it take you before you got your clean-up crew?
-can't tell what the tubes are without a pic...might be fanworms
-after cycling completes and params are zero and nitrates spike, you can start your first water change with 25% then weekly 10%
-appearance of diatoms
-my cleaup crew went in after the above criteria. jWould not add anything unless you can get your nitrates to 10 or below SH
What are the tubular objects ontop of a peice of LR?

Or they could be colonizing, uh, hard-tube worms (i think that is what they are), they are often seen hitchhiking with snails, one of mine is virtually encrusted. Coco worms are on live rock as well, they spread extremly rapidly and are a sign of good health.

How long did it take you before you got your clean-up crew?

I got mine after diatoms began. They did very well, i still have some that i purchased months ago, when the tank began.

I got part of my cleaning crew right when the diatom blooms started. I even had a hitch hiking snail and feather duster survive the cycle and are doing well now. if there is as mucu algea as it sounds then it would be safe to add a few algea eating snails.
Well, the SG is at 1.025 right now, I dunno how it got more SG content, maybe my readings aren't being very accurate.
I just discovered my clam shell is empty?!?
Does anyone know anything about the Nano Cube 6?
Would that be any good for me? Or how about the 12?
Just wondering., I like the look of the filter output in the Nano Cubes.... It makes the Nano look more...Industrialized, I dunno.
I wish i could get water stats.
What kind of clean-up crew should I have? I think for my stocking of it, I'm just going to go kinda plain and do 2 orcelles clowns. :dunno:
in my ten gal i have 3 nassarious snails, 3 astrea snails, 3 hermits, and 1 cleaner shrimp.

prices i paid: 2.50 for either the astrea or nasssarious and 3 for the other and hermits were 2 i think. the cleaner shrimp which was the xtra large size(full grown) was 34 :*) .

basicly you want 1 snail/hermit per gal and maybe 1 or 2 shrimp. just besure to get various ones so that you have stuff that will eat either algea, detris, or uneaten food.

as i said i would start off with 2-3 snails that eat algea. go to to see which ones are algea eating or whatever then go to your lfs and ask for those.

i belive that crabs, sea slugs, urchins, sea stars, etc can also be part of the cleaning but most or all get too large for a ten gal.

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