British Display Better?


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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I've got a quick question.
I personally have noticed 98% of our English/British members have nice tank stand to go along with their nice looking tanks. I have noticed this especially with jewle tanks.
Why do the Europeans have nice tank stands, or tank stands at all?
I payed $200 for my 55G stand, and its not even as nice as some of the stands I've seen that newbies have (Not putting myself before the newbies, but the more you get into the hobby the nice stuff you get for it)!

My question is why do they always have nice stands, and why do americans generally have cheaper stands?
Or stands that don't look alike.
Is it just me who's noticed it?
Im from the United States and my stand is nice, ofcourse it isnt made for holding tanks but it can hold the weight so it works out perfectly. I havent really seen a diffence between stands betweem the states and britain.
Well, yes, my stand it nice, especially with the canopy.
But I'm just wondering why they are nicer over there.
I've seen some nice maple and such..
I think maybe it has less to do with being British and more to do with the average American. The average American attitude is " I know what I am doing and I will do it whether it is right or not". Instead of researching and doing things the right way Americans have a tendency to try to do things on the spur of the moment. Look at our foreign policy if you don't believe me!

All kidding aside, the aquarium hobby is much more established in Europe than in the United States. I think that has a lot to do with the differences between American tanks and the tanks on the other side of the pond.
Juwel aquariums and aquarium stands, filters, heaters and hoods/lighting are great, i realy like their stands alot as they have many styles and most of them quite fashionable or modern looking so they fit well into your home and don't just look like an antique. Juwel aquariums are built very well and most of their setups they sell come complete so you don't have to go around trying desperatly to find heaters that have enough watts for your tank or lighting and a hood that will fit it etc.
They are not overly expensive in my opinion, just a bit more expensive than some other brands, but you get what you pay for in my opinion- also i have noticed that companys like juwel particualy specialise in designing tanks suited to freshwater setups and freshwater tanks are alot more popular over here in england than what they are in america- the americans seem realy big on their marine tanks instead.
Really? I woudn't a thought that...But I shouldn't be talking...I just started a Nano.
Its interesting how fishkeeping changes, even in similar cultures like England and the US.
All though, we have way more phat people :D
It comes down to simple logistics. England and Europe are fairly small when compared to the US so it is easier for a company to distribute, market and sell their products, therefore there are more companies which make complete aquarium packages like the Juwel, Rena, Fluval and Aqua one set ups, also smaller houses mean that is more likely that the tank will have to be positioned in the living area of the house so people tend to choose a tank which is a nice piece of furniture. In America most people seem to buy a tank with a hood from the nearest Wallmart or Petco, then add filters and heaters from the cheapest source and then either build a stand themselves or again buy the cheapest one, also a lot more Americans have their tanks in basements or spare rooms so looks arent as important.

And by the way those Juwel stands might look nice but they are actually made from laminated chipboard and dont have a sold piece of timber in sight and the hoods are just flimsy plastic flaps, the same goes for most of the package deal aquariums, cheap crap dressed up fancy and sold to newbies basicly.
I have to agree, if you want your tank to look nice, then why NOT your stand aswell? Especially if you have them on full view in the living room like i have.

My 2 Juwel tanks that i have in my living room, fit in perfectly with my furniture etc, and look alot nicer this way, instead of just buying the tanks, and different stands etc....

This is just my opinion also, everyone is different, ;)

C x
My tank is on my desk - with polysteyrene underneath it (just a small bit to raise it off the desk) it works OK and the tank is the centre piece of my room with or without a stand - doesn't make any difference in my opinion.
There most likely is no difference - Probably the same amount of people with nice stand per head in America as there is in Britain!
But, of course, we Britains are a better nation therefore we have better material goods!! He he! Couldn't resist! Sorry! Only Joking! :D
But, of course, we Britains are a better nation therefore we have better material goods!! He he! Couldn't resist! Sorry! Only Joking! :D
(that was very naughty ! tut tut ;) )

But to me, the whole thing has to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye - and the Juwel and Rena tanks (and others) are exactly that.
If I had a fish house, I wouldn't really care less what the stands and tank looked like. But quite personally, I think those metal frame stands are ghastly and I'd never have on "in" the house on display :X But each to their own and it's all personal taste at the end of the day. And beauty is all in the eye of the beholder !
i think it also has something to do with the range of stock available in our shops. where as you have big als, wall mart, petco, and so on we dont.

all those shops sell many different tanks (on their own) plus lots of choice over heaters, filters, lighting etc... the average fishkeeper in the us can pop into 3 or 4 of those shops in a weekend and between them buy all the bits and bobs to make up their setup.

over here we only really have small independant local fish stores. those stores dont have the buying power to get cheap deals on all that stock so they end up only stocking package deals. if you go into any LFS in the UK you will see every juwel tank available on display plus a few aqua ones and fluvals. the tank only options are really just small kiddie tanks. and goldfish bowls. to get a 100G all glass tank without a stand in the UK is not an easy task, you either have to go to a big store miles away or order online hence most of us when buying a tank just pick one that is available that day from whatever shop we are in hence we end up with lots of juwels etc...

and i would also like to confirm that the juwel stands may look nice but they are very cheaply built with crappy wood. they just stick a nice bit of laminate over the top to make them look nice.
and i would also like to confirm that the juwel stands may look nice but they are very cheaply built with crappy wood. they just stick a nice bit of laminate over the top to make them look nice.
True, but I've had my Vision 180 for over 3 years now and the stand still looks brand spanking new - and everything else is still in exceptionally good nick - even a house move later !

But yes, you are right: I just walked into my lfs and thought "right, what can I buy today?". And of course they had a whole range of Juwels on display so I just picked one from there - because that's all I had a choice of ! :lol:
over here we only really have small independant local fish stores. those stores dont have the buying power to get cheap deals on all that stock so they end up only stocking package deals.


[/quote] the tank only options are really just small kiddie tanks. and goldfish bowls. to get a 100G all glass tank without a stand in the UK is not an easy task, [/quote]

In all my local shops (small or chain store) you can choose to buy Juwel tanks with or without stand; I got one of each.

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