2.50 (pounds) each for my cory cats. And that was when I set the tank up. Letting myself being talked into buying livebearers, I am not likely to need to spend money on fish in a hurry again. Saving up for a new tank, yes, certainly.
I try not to buy any expensive fish, mind you my LFS is the cheapest I've ever been to!!
I'm sticking to .50p-£1 livebearers and £1.20-£2 cory's ATM, but I used to buy young fish at a few £ and then sell them when they got too big for my tank, I've sold a talking cat for £6 and a sailfin plec for £10.
I paid £25 for 3 Synodontis ORNATIPINNIS, which ive seen for sale at £95 each on TRIMAR.
Most I paid for one fish was my Boulengerella lateristriga which was £32 (and had to drive hour and half to get the little sod).
Nothing, the fish just wasnt worth the money, I wasnt impressed, they were cuckattos, which many will agree are great fish, dont get me wrong they are colorful, but my rams had more personality, so I want that route.