What's The Most You've Paid For A Fish?

How much have you paid???

  • 0.99P - 5GBP (approx. $9)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5GBP - 10GBP (approx. $18)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10GBP - 20GBP (approx $35)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 20GBP - 50GBP (approx. $89)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50GBP - 100GBP (approx. $178)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 100GBP + ($178 +)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Did well getting that fish for £300 paul i've seen them at £500 to £700.
2.50 (pounds) each for my cory cats. And that was when I set the tank up. Letting myself being talked into buying livebearers, I am not likely to need to spend money on fish in a hurry again. Saving up for a new tank, yes, certainly.
:lol: Most people are in the cheapskates region :lol: Although I'd be willing to pay a lot- for instance, for some dwarf pygmy gobies or a zombie plec.
:lol: Most people are in the cheapskates region :lol: Although I'd be willing to pay a lot- for instance, for some dwarf pygmy gobies or a zombie plec.

Same here, my para plec was a real special case for me, usually i just keep to 99p guppys and platys- but i'd love to have a zombie plec as well :drool:
I try not to buy any expensive fish, mind you my LFS is the cheapest I've ever been to!! :nod:

I'm sticking to .50p-£1 livebearers and £1.20-£2 cory's ATM, but I used to buy young fish at a few £ and then sell them when they got too big for my tank, I've sold a talking cat for £6 and a sailfin plec for £10. :D :thumbs:
I paid £25 for 3 Synodontis ORNATIPINNIS, which ive seen for sale at £95 each on TRIMAR.
Most I paid for one fish was my Boulengerella lateristriga which was £32 (and had to drive hour and half to get the little sod).
I've spent about $95 in one go - on african cichlids, one of which i've already posted about..
Im glad my friend works at a lfs, he sneaks me fish or gives me really good deals, but the most Ive paid was 10 dollars, and it was not worth it.
Nothing, the fish just wasnt worth the money, I wasnt impressed, they were cuckattos, which many will agree are great fish, dont get me wrong they are colorful, but my rams had more personality, so I want that route.
I paid 80 or 90 for my wild caught b.kapuas last year (by the way, I think my male is holding!!)

When I bought the giants a couple of years ago I paid 150 for the pair, but I was wickedly ripped off,imo.
Over all, I don't have any cheap fish =P

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